
1. **息风镇痉**:蜈蚣具有熄风止痉的作用,对于治疗由肝风引起的各种痉挛抽搐病症,如破伤风、急慢惊风、癫痫等,有显著疗效。

2. **解毒散结**:蜈蚣具有解毒散结的功效,适用于治疗疮疡肿毒、瘰疬溃烂等疾病,对于蛇虫咬伤也有一定的治疗效果。

3. **通络止痛**:蜈蚣性温,有毒,具有通络止痛的作用,可用于治疗风湿痹痛、顽固性头痛、颈椎病、肩周炎、腰椎间盘突出症、膝关节骨关节炎等。

4. **消肿止痛**:对于跌打损伤造成的淤血、肿痛,以及不明原因的毒疮,蜈蚣也有一定的消肿止痛效果。

5. **抗病原微生物**:蜈蚣对细菌、真菌等病原微生物有抑制作用,可用于治疗呼吸道感染、皮肤病等。


6. **提高男性功能**:在中医理论中,蜈蚣具有补肾壮阳的作用,对于性功能减退、阳痿等症状,有一定改善作用。

7. **增强机体免疫功能**:蜈蚣具有一定的免疫调节作用,可以增强机体免疫功能。

8. **活血化瘀**:对于血瘀证,如经闭、痛经等,蜈蚣有活血化瘀的功效。



1. **增强体质与补肾**:黑豆被认为具有补肾效果,适合肾虚人群食用。中医理论中,黑豆是“肾之谷”,具有补肾强身的作用。薏米也有助于增强体力和精力。

2. **健脾益胃,促进消化**:薏米具有健脾、补肺、清热、利湿的功效,特别适合脾胃虚弱者食用,可以改善食欲不振、消化能力减退的情况。

3. **抗衰老,美颜**:薏米中的薏苡素可以抑制横纹肌,有助于抗皱美颜。黑豆含有丰富的维生素,尤其是维生素E,对保持皮肤青春和细腻有重要作用。

4. **利水渗湿,消肿下气**:薏米和黑豆都有利水渗湿的功效,可以帮助体内排出多余的湿气,缓解水肿等症状。

5. **解毒,祛风除湿**:薏米和黑豆都有一定的解毒作用,同时薏米还有祛风除湿的功效。


6. **活血利水,润肺燥热**:薏米和黑豆的搭配有助于活血利水,对于润肺燥热有一定的缓解作用。

7. **防癌抗癌**:薏米中含有薏米酯和亚油酸,这两种成分被认为具有抗癌效果。黑豆也具有一定的防癌作用。

8. **补血安神**:薏米和黑豆都有一定的补血安神作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。

9. **明目、乌发**:黑豆含有丰富的维生素,尤其是维生素E,有助于保护视力,保持头发健康。

10. **调节肠道健康**:薏米和黑豆都有助于改善肠道健康,预防便秘。




1. **补充营养**:马铃薯含有丰富的碳水化合物、植物蛋白、维生素C、类胡萝卜素和膳食纤维,这些营养成分易于人体消化吸收,能够为人体提供必需的能量和营养。

2. **健脾利湿**:中医认为,马铃薯具有健脾利湿的功效,适合脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的人群食用。

3. **宽肠通便**:马铃薯中的膳食纤维有助于肠道蠕动,可以促进排便,对于缓解便秘有一定的帮助。

4. **保护血管**:马铃薯中的钾元素有助于维持心血管健康,能够缓解心血管系统的脂肪沉积,保持血管弹性,对动脉粥样硬化有一定的预防作用。

5. **利水消肿**:马铃薯中的钾元素可以帮助排出体内多余的钠,从而减少水肿和缓解高血压症状。

6. **辅助减肥**:马铃薯产生的热量较低,可以作为减肥时的主食,有助于控制脂肪的摄入。

7. **增强免疫力**:马铃薯中的维生素C是强效的抗氧化剂,有助于提高免疫力,保护身体细胞。

8. **美容效果**:新鲜土豆片外敷,可以消炎、消肿、活血、解毒,对美容有一定的帮助。


9. **辅助治疗**:马铃薯汁对于胃炎、胃溃疡有一定的辅助疗效。同时,土豆汁中的黏液蛋白有利于预防动脉粥样硬化的发生。

10. **对特定疾病的治疗**:传统医学认为,马铃薯汁可以治疗癌症、肾炎、花粉症、湿疹、便秘等多种疾病。

11. **抗氧化和抗癌**:马铃薯中的多酚类物质具有抗癌、抗氧化作用。



1. **补气养血**:红枣具有补血作用,而黄芪则能补气,两者结合能够有效改善气血不足的症状,如面色苍白、神疲乏力等。

2. **健脾和胃**:红枣和黄芪都有助于改善脾胃功能,可以增进食欲,对于消化不良、食欲不振等有缓解作用。

3. **美容养颜**:红枣富含维生素C和抗氧化成分,有助于抑制黑色素形成,延缓衰老,增加皮肤弹性,使肤色红润。黄芪则能清除体内自由基,抗氧化,从而改善皮肤暗沉。

4. **调节内分泌**:红枣和黄芪可以调节内分泌功能,有助于改善因内分泌失调引起的多种症状。

5. **增强体质**:两者结合可以增强体质,提高免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

6. **治疗胃溃疡和肾炎**:红枣和黄芪具有保护胃黏膜、改善肾功能的作用,可以用来治疗胃溃疡和肾炎。

7. **促进二次发育**:红枣和黄芪可以促进身体发育,尤其是对生长发育期的儿童和青少年有益。


8. **抗氧化,抗衰老**:红枣中的抗氧化成分和黄芪的抗氧化作用可以延缓衰老过程。


9. **利尿消肿**:红枣和黄芪可以调节机体的水液平衡,有助于缓解水肿。

10. **缓解肾功能虚弱**:对于因肾功能虚弱引起的各种病症,如身体浮肿等,红枣和黄芪也有一定的缓解作用。



1. **农业用途**:
– **授粉作用**:麦花是小麦的生殖器官,其两性花特性使得小麦可以通过同花授粉来繁衍后代,这对于小麦的种植和遗传改良具有重要意义。
– **生长指示**:麦花的开放和凋零是小麦生长周期中的重要阶段,它标志着小麦从营养生长转向生殖生长,对于农业生产管理和预测产量有一定参考价值。


2. **食品加工**:
– **原料来源**:麦花可以作为食品加工的原料,通过研磨等方式制成麦芽,麦芽可以用于酿造啤酒、制作麦片等食品。
– **营养价值**:麦花含有一定量的营养成分,虽然不如麦粒丰富,但也是粮食作物的一部分,具有一定的营养价值。


3. **医学功效**:
– **传统草药**:在传统医学中,麦花有时被用作草药,具有一定的药用价值,但具体功效需要根据传统医学的记载和现代药理研究来综合判断。

4. **生态和环境**:
– **生物多样性**:麦花作为小麦的一部分,对于维持农业生态系统的生物多样性有积极作用。

5. **其他用途**:
– **观赏价值**:麦花具有一定的观赏性,在一些农业观光活动中,麦田的花期可以作为观赏点。


The most important thing is that at this stage, the white crystal can not be found. As soon as this statement came out, Zhao was very moved. He is an ambitious person who wants to do great things. He knows very well the value of a white crystal in the early stage!

However, Zhao Gengbai has more investment value than buying a white crystal Hangyu.
"Are you short of money? I can lend you some directly. "
"No, just make a price."
"Do you think 10 million is enough?"
Hang Yu almost didn’t spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard this number.
Lao Zhao this guy is really a dog with deep pockets.
The first time he saw so much money
That’s when the family grave is cleared.
When Zhao heard that Hang Yu didn’t answer immediately, he quickly said, "Isn’t it enough?"
"Enough is enough. Call me the money as soon as possible. Can I give you the spar when I go back to the spirit world?"
Hang Yu knows that although the white spar is very precious now, it should not be worth so much money. Lao Zhao paid 10 million yuan to sell personal feelings to Hang Yu.
Hang Yu is short of money now
So it’s accepted.
"Of course no problem!" Zhao said very readily and then at a turn, "Are you interested in coming to me? I plan that a new company will recruit a lot of talents who conform to the new era and prepare to do a big job. If you are willing to come over and join me, I will give you half of the company’s shares. "
Don’t underestimate people’s adaptability.
Governments, major groups, families and forces should gradually see the opportunities brought by the reshuffle in the new era.
Therefore, people with a little ambition and foresight will surely attract talents crazily now, and this talent standard is mainly determined according to skill and talent.
After the old order was overthrown
A new order will be established.
Zhao belongs to this kind of people, and now he is crazy about recruiting people so that he can compete in the spiritual world in the future, and Hang Yu is his favorite. If Hang Yu is willing to join Zhao, he is willing to share half of his altruism.
This is a sincere invitation.
Hang Yu’s ride with Zhao is much higher than that with Pang Dahai. But for this requirement, Hang Yu can refuse with a wry smile. "Lao Zhao is not my car, but you should also watch the news. Now the traffic is paralyzed. How can I go to Pengcheng to help you? It’s not a must. It’s not time yet. "
The head Ye Zhao is a wry smile.
Now the high-speed rail and the plane have stopped working.
It’s chaotic inside the city, not to mention outside.
Hang Yu can’t ride bike-sharing from Jiangcheng to Pengcheng to go to Lao Zhao, can she?
Even if he is bold, he will die!
Talked a few words.
Hang up.
Pang Dahai tentatively asked, "Did you get the money?"
Hang Yu put up a finger at Pang Dahai. "Guess what this number is."
"Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? It won’t be a million! "
"Stupid one million is enough, of course, it is ten million!" Hang Yu’s face is as poor and fat as looking at petrochemical. "I’ll allocate 5 million yuan to buy equipment for you first, and recruit people. Don’t save me money and spend it as soon as possible!"
Chapter 17 Seize the outlet of the new era
Lao Zhao’s 10 million will arrive soon
Pang Dahai carefully counted it all over.
I can’t believe this ruined truth now!
"Hey, you’re really forced to hang by Fat Ye, who slept for four years? Tell me frankly whether you secretly find a rich woman behind my back! "
"Yes!" Hang Yu didn’t good the spirit replied, "The other person is a 36D long-legged coquettish Bai Fumei who lives well and doesn’t stick to people. Do you want to introduce me to you?" People might want to try heavy taste. "
"Bah! Dirty things! Does the fat man fight for a position by his body?"
"Ha ha, you really don’t look like this cargo and figure."
Hang Yu, where did the money come from? Pang Dahai doesn’t care at all.
Another thing on his mind is "it’s much easier with this money, but good brothers should divide the workshops first."
Hang Yu said, "There is nothing to say about you."
"What did you say?" Huge sea frightened "four or six points!"
Hang Yu glanced at him and said, "You’re not too few, are you?"


1. **开胃消食**:山楂中的解脂酶能有效促进脂肪类食物的消化,增强胃液的分泌,提高消化能力。

2. **降低血脂**:山楂含有黄酮类化合物,有助于防治心血管疾病、降低血压和胆固醇、软化血管及利尿和镇静作用。


3. **活血化瘀**:山楂具有活血化瘀的功效,对血瘀型痛经的病人有缓解作用,对跌打损伤也有辅助疗效。


4. **平喘化痰**:山楂中含有能抑制细菌的成分,对于腹泻、腹痛等情况有缓解作用,并且含有某些物质能起到平喘化痰的作用。

5. **催产作用**:山楂对子宫有收缩作用,在孕妇临产时有催生之效,并能促进产后子宫复原。

6. **抗衰防癌**:山楂所含的黄酮类和维生素C、胡萝卜素等物质能阻断并减少自由基的生成,增强机体的免疫力,有防衰老、抗癌的作用。


7. **其他功效**:如驱虫、降脂减肥,适用于高脂血症、高血压病、冠心病、单纯性肥胖症等病症。


"What, can you still move when you leave?" The ghost face suddenly appeared

MuZiYin looked at is also blindsided immediately.
Huangfu Qianfeng looked extremely difficult to see him this time. He hoped that this funeral would die in Tufo’s hands. He felt that this person was extremely talented. If he let his practice go, he would surely pose a big threat to him.
This Huangfu Qianfeng, although his school sister is excellent, seems to have already confirmed his double major identity, but he is homesick for this Muziyin, but the latter has a high vision and has never given him a chance.
Seeing this death today, he performed repeatedly, but he did have much opportunity to show it. Huangfu Qianfeng felt very uncomfortable and immediately chose to stop it.
This sudden death left everyone, including Tufo, stunned on the spot.
Magic dance time such a master is also face dew don’t believe in color repeatedly said, "how is that possible-"
Chapter sixty-two Reversing Gankun
See the right hand is still holding the soul-breaking knife, but the left hand is already holding Tufo’s palm!
"Leave!" Tufo is about to kill this hateful person. At this moment, he will kill a palm, and he will be overwhelmed by the other side. He will even cry out his name!
Hands take turns to swing out. In this day, the angry blood sutra is fuelling the blood of the Tufo body. The skill of almost boiling is also greatly increased. He doesn’t believe that this broken body can resist again and again!
The right hand draws out a sword and the whole person steps back several times. This number of palms was actually stopped by him!
"No, it’s impossible-"Tufo’s eyes are dying of blood. How can he get up again when he has already exhausted his strength?
Lu Li’s face was cold as ice, and his eyes gave a cruel murder like ghosts. The vein of the wound in the abdomen was also broken by his true yuan seal in a moment, and the dark blue Guanghua emerged in the flash of his left hand Guanghua.
This dark blue light is the residual jade, and everyone knows it!
In the face of Tufo’s surprise, he was almost bleeding, and his eyes were cold and he said, "If you want to fight, fight!"
Everyone was shocked by the uproar!
After all, such a sudden change is really incredible-
Only Lu Xuan knows, but this is his secret, and he will never tell it.
Now it’s time to leave this place. Master Chu Yun is waiting for the strength of several masters that day.
That day, it was natural not to say that the Lord of Yin and Yang had sacrificed himself to seal that day, but the patriarch seemed to be out of trouble that day, and I don’t know what the fate of the Lord of Yin and Yang was like.
Mundus Cantian fought alone at this time, and the nine core elders of Taikoo Gate were naturally all over the Three Realms. Although Mundus finally retreated, Lu Li didn’t recognize Cantian’s fighting power, but he didn’t consider it again. This practice is absolutely unfathomable.
"Death-"Lu centrifugal sighed. This is what he is extremely afraid of. The master said that the ancient Buddha burning lamps in the vertical and horizontal Buddhist circles were all plunged in this person’s hands, and life and death are unpredictable. I don’t know whether the ancient Buddha burning lamps has fallen or retired seriously.
There are also places where the reversal of the Heart Sutra has been truly understood until today.
Reversing the Heart Sutra has nine layers of land separation. Today’s practice can be said to be the fifth layer of peak reversal Gankun!
Wu Dao’s practice has not been broken, and he has already realized the meaning of reversing Gan Kun, but it is a difficult problem that has been bothering him to take a step forward.
Just before going to this mountain of forgetfulness, he had been thinking about it all the time, but his theory was like understanding, but he was always very confused. In this misty thought, he vaguely guessed a possibility.
"Reversing Gankun Murphy-"This speculation has not been revealed. Of course, there is no one to talk to around him now.
Goodbye, Tufo thinks of all kinds of alienation in Taikoo Gate, and suddenly he is eager for a sense of life and death.
If it becomes a bottleneck, it is expected to be broken in the future, and even the reversal of the Heart Sutra may have a chance to break through!
The real meaning of this reversal is to reverse everything in an absolutely impossible situation.
But this is connected with the battle of Tufo?
It turned out that it was at the moment when the real yuan was consumed that I completely realized the true meaning of this reversal of the fifth floor of the Heart Sutra!
Reversing Gankun’s reversal of himself in a moment when the real yuan is consumed, the meridians suddenly reverse Gankun’s reversal, and immediately there is something to believe in when you are away from home!
Just as he ran out of oil and dried up, he reversed the heart meridian and wandered away for a week. Really Yuan miraculously returned!

"Comrade Lin Chong, you worry too much." Professor Yang answered seriously at that time. "Please believe that the top leaders of your motherland have given instructions. We will never make a choice that is harmful to humanity and national dignity. Even in the most difficult times, our country adheres to the word morality. This promise will not change."

Every day, the institute will inform Lin about the girl’s situation.
first day
"It’s not easy to give her a job. It’s done according to the regulations on special talents, but there’s a question. What’s her name?" Asked the chief engineer
"What’s your name? Let’s call Lin Xiaohong." Lin thought for a while before answering.
"Very characteristic of the times," the chief engineer praised.
It’s a characteristic of the 1970s … The staff of the 74 project team of the handling office especially wanted to vomit with this name. I really can’t expect the science and engineering men to come up with any good names.
the third day
"I’m a little worried that she can’t get used to earth food. She has been eating mushrooms full of inspiration here. This mushroom tastes particularly good," said Lin Chong.
The chief engineer is visiting Lin Xiaohong in the ward.
Now xiao-hong Lin is still very refused to strangers by the chief engineer is quietly pushed the door to look inside.
"The situation seems to be different from what you said," the chief engineer said to Lin Chong and then pointed the camera at the crack of the door.
Lin Chong found Xiao-hong Lin holding a roast duck and eating a little face full of oil.
Fall! Lin chong immediately felt that the mushrooms in his plate were not fragrant. Who wants mushrooms if there is Beijing roast duck to eat?
Fifth day
Xiao-hong Lin eyes more clever.
But she still can’t speak, but she can tell the difference between good and evil.
She was extremely sensitive to good and evil when she was snake-shaped. She was born with a keen sense of kindness and malice.
Come on, whatever you like!
Cha Jue realized that Lin Xiaohong was particularly keen on food, and people in the 74 project team changed their tricks to cook food for her.
Five thousand years of Chinese food patterns are enough for Lin Xiaohong to eat the same food every day for ten years.
Lin Chong doesn’t even like watching her anymore. She eats it every time. Remember your golden fairy fruit?
"What matters now is not to feed her but to communicate with her, right?" Lin Chong gave advice to the chief engineer.
"Where I taught her to read and learn to read and write a word to reward a roast duck, it seems that the effect is very good. She is very clever and has a photographic memory. She has almost finished reciting the three-character sutra." The chief engineer said what 74 is doing now.
"Then what?" Lin chong asked again
"She’s over a hundred years old, but she’s just … uh, taxiing?" The chief engineer was a little awkward when he said this word.
It is equivalent to a newborn human baby who wants to send her to school in order to make her grow up healthily after teaching her basic knowledge.
"ha? Learn? " Does Lin Chong feel a little strange that the snake spirit from another plane is traveling on the earth? Is she an international student?
"Only with a good world outlook, outlook on life and values can she make greater contributions to the motherland. What we need is not a weapon or an experiment, but a person who may lead us to the future," said the chief engineer seriously.
"Guide?" Lin chong is a little unbelievable. Is he positioned so high? The guide is the temple elders.
"Xiao-hong Lin has lived for hundreds of years, how long can she live? Millennium? If she is committed to science and technology, she will become an evergreen tree to witness the development of human science and technology. If she is committed to politics, she may take the national leadership position. Of course, whether the people can accept it is in doubt … "
"We always look to the future."
"Similarly, Lin Chong, in fact, you still don’t have white self-worth. If you live long enough like Lin Xiaohong and the earth is constantly linked, you may become the lighthouse that guides mankind forward. Have you ever imagined this?"
The chief engineer’s words surprised Lin a little.
I … Guide mankind forward … Are you kidding?
More than just a little technology, send some materials, find some new substances, light some new energy … I’ll go! It is still possible to promote the development of earth science and technology with such a thought.
The key is how long can I live?
After chatting with the chief engineer, Lin Chong came to the bedroom and looked at the cartoon being shown to the little tiger across the wall. He asked him, "How long can I live, mistress?"
"How long?" While Uni-President was playing Pleasant Goat Big Big Wolf, Big Big Wolf replied, "How long have you been stuck? Remember? Stuck means that you can’t move. I remember that there are many films about this day. No … "
"Shut up! Teach bad children! " Lin chong bad to ruthlessly say
"Always stuck is stuck. It doesn’t take long for the difference to come over for so many years. Have your hair, beard and nails ever grown? You are as stuck as this house. I told you it would be forever. Are you scared?
"But my body is getting delicious, golden mushroom, and all my diseases have disappeared. What’s the explanation?" Lin Chong felt something was wrong.
Those are all external forces that change you. A candle can be carved into a shape even if the knife is extinguished, but that doesn’t mean it is burning.
"It’s no harm, is it?"
"Time is valuable to every life. You can’t appreciate this value. This is the biggest problem. You have lost your soul!"
"Get out of here!"
Chapter one hundred and one Wanmu frosty red romance

The sixth brother of Tianpeng Venerable was furious. "Look at that little talent, Fifth Brother, and he ran to Red Martial Sister. He must have asked Red Martial Sister to have a good relationship with him. You can’t come if you don’t make up your mind!"

The five senior brothers were livid and drank a lot, which turned into a golden light and went straight to Gongsungong’s bedroom. The six younger brothers saw that their machinations succeeded, and hey hey smiled and cast Dapeng Xiaoyao tactic to follow.
Gong Sunhong was practicing when Jiao Fei came.
Seeing Jiao Fei’s momentum shining like a rainbow, a pair of wonderful eyes is also surprise gift’s cry, "Brother Jiao Fei, you actually built the fourth floor of Dapeng Xiaoyao tactic in more than ten days?"
JiaoFei a face of confusion, "just more than ten days? How do I feel that I have been in the Monty Palace for thirty or forty years? "
GongSunGong smile slightly proud said, "JiaoFei teacher younger brother, you don’t know that the monty palace is not a multiplier, but a magic weapon to create a new world. There are six monties in the magic weapon, and the five ghosts are sent to the town to send treasures. How can you suppress those refined monty sects without this treasure? Even Xin Shen dare not be disrespectful to his old man’s house. "
"ah! It turns out that the Monty Palace is so powerful! "
Jiao Fei suddenly remembered that the first magic weapon he had heard in his life was also a magic god series. There was a treasure called Chunjun Xianhu, but that treasure is now mostly in the hands of his master Lan Li Dao, and I don’t know how to sacrifice it.
Gong Sunhong was waiting for Jiao Fei to explain in detail that the Monty Palace was so powerful that there were two light-dodging flights. She was slightly surprised and whispered, "Five brothers and six brothers, why are you here?"
Jiao Fei also leaned slightly to salute the two brothers. He didn’t understand that the two brothers were menacing and seemed to be angry
See JiaoFei and GongSunGong sitting opposite seems to be talking about Tao appearance five senior day wave show Wang Lun heart anger slightly less light said "why? If the younger brother can come, can’t we two brothers come? "
Gong Sunhong said with a smile, "How can it be so happy that the two brothers are coming to be sisters!" She glanced at Jiao Fei, but she was slightly worried, but it was not easy to imply that she changed the subject. "Just now, Brother Fei of follow focus was talking about the Monty Palace. The two brothers know more than the younger sister. Brother Jiao Fei didn’t ask for advice?"
Jiao Fei busy hands arch way "I have been afraid to disturb the practice of the two senior brothers for a while …" Just paused Jiao Fei said with ulterior motives "When I was young, a monk came to my house to see my cleverness and sent me two Buddhist treasures. It was because I didn’t repair enough that I always practiced refining. It seems that I shouldn’t have this treasure. Without this chance, I just want to send two senior brothers and hope that they don’t abandon it."
Jiao Fei’s hands turned over and two groups of "Polo Flame" flew out of the palm of his hand. Five brothers Tianbo Xiushi Wang Lun and six brothers Beihai fisherman Wan Initiated Sun Du to raise his hand and accept this "gift". My heart was pleasantly surprised. Although both of them deeply hated Jiao Fei, how could this treasure be refused? They all smiled and put away their faces and looked better than before.
Jiao Fei has learned from Gong Sunhong that the magic brothers are all poor or other magic brothers are not, but these brothers and sisters of his own are all close, so he offered a tried and tested mantra of pure yang, and he accepted it without delay. His heart was also full of joy, and his brother cried and felt particularly cordial.
GongSunGong see JiaoFei to "generous" heart slightly qiang nu andao "I told you not to show off these treasures in front of other senior brothers, you not only don’t listen but also give people away at random, how much money is enough for you to squander? I’m sure I’ll bring all his things back, and I can’t let him go away like this. "
Jiao Fei’s two senior brothers were embarrassed to look for his bad luck. Jiao Fei asked about the Monty Palace. Tianbo Xiushi Wang Lun said, "The Monty Palace is a treasure taught by the Monty Clan Town. It is said that this magic weapon has six magic doors of Monty. Many elders practice in the ninth floor and fear that Shou Yuan will hide in the Monty Palace for a long time, and they will not arrest him. Another feature of this magic weapon is that they choose their own masters. Five ghosts are the masters of this generation of magic palaces, and outsiders will never take it away."
Jiao Fei listened with carefree longing and asked, "Why didn’t I see the magic door predecessors when I was practicing in the Monty Palace?"
Wan Jisun, a fisherman from Beihai, the sixth brother, also laughed. "The vast area in the Monty Palace is not inferior to our world. The six monty roads together are bigger than the whole middle earth. How easy is it for you to live in it?"
Jiao Fei Nuo Nuo even gave birth to a fear of the magic door.
Tianbo Xiushi Wang Lun and Beihai fisherman Wan Yi Sun came here because they were guilty, but they accepted Jiao Fei’s benefits, and they were embarrassed to repeat the past events. It was also a matter of practice for Jiao Fei to talk seriously with Gong Sunhong. They consciously stayed boring for a while and then got up and left.
GongSunGong also don’t leave them is a light goodbye to see the two brothers left this just great anger stretched out his hand and grabbed the JiaoFei collar drink a way "how do I tell you? Don’t let you show off these instruments to others. Why don’t you listen to me? "
Jiao Fei made a gesture, and the old god was saying, "Elder martial sister didn’t know that I, the Polo God, was divided into male and female, and that male was taken to practice informal sacrifice for many years, and I had to listen to my mother’s words to recall it with a backhand."
Gong Sunhong was skeptical, Jiao Fei refused to entangle in these things, so he took Gong Sunhong and said, "Sister, you also know that I am a mysterious person in the Arctic. Now I have been away from home for a long time, so my parents can’t miss my sister. Will you accompany me home?"
Gong Sunhong suddenly felt shy when he heard Jiao Fei’s invitation. "Who am I to go home with you?"
Jiao Fei said some shan shan, "The teacher elder sister doesn’t know that I haven’t left home before practicing computer-virus. Now I want to go back and I don’t know where to go without the teacher elder sister’s fear."
GongSunGong this just a little hesitant JiaoFei laying, finally agreed to come to her where do you know JiaoFei don’t know the way? Is that true? Is it the first time he came to the North Pole to know where the Xuan Yin concave is?
Jiao Fei asked quickly, "Since Elder Martial Sister promised to accompany us, we can sue Master. This way."
Gong Sunhong laughed, "Master and the five ghosts and teachers have long since left Xiangu Xinshen and teachers. How easy is it for them to get together? Now I don’t know if some of their old people are here. We don’t have to tell Master if we want to leave at this time. "
JiaoFei exultation busy way "better and better! Then sister, let’s start now! "
Gong Sunhong gave him a red and white look, and his plain hand blew out two green rainbows. It was Jiao Fei who sent two flying hooks, which had been broken by her. It was forbidden to re-refine Gong Sunhong’s fit, and the two green rainbows were combined to pierce Tianyu’s glare. Jiao Fei shook his body and covered the whole body. A pair of wings chased Gong Sunhong and flew away from the island of ice and fire.
To have some hesitation about the assassination of JiaoFei Tianbo Xiushi Wang Lun didn’t return to his bedroom until he saw GongSunGong flying out of the bedroom behind two dodging lights. He knew it was JiaoFei’s front, but he wanted to know that it was GongSunGong’s anger. "How could I forget?" He gave me the Boluo Flame as soon as I met the Sixth Younger Martial Brother. Is there any pain for Martial Sister Gongsun? It must be that he sent a flying sword to avoid the light. Martial sister Gongsun has long wanted to forge a flying sword, which is a bitter material. This little thief knows what he wants! That’s too bad. Martial sister Gongsun must have been cheated by him. I’m not willing to give up until I secretly hurt this little thief. Then he will send this Polo flame and burn him to ashes … "
Jiao Fei patted his wings and flew tightly for a while. He chased the first time. He was not proficient in flying with a hook. Gong Sunhong wryly said, "Why didn’t you change, sister? Isn’t flying in Dapeng faster than riding a sword?"
Sun gave him a red and white look and said angrily, "Do I have to change the Dapeng bird for you to ride?" This tall beauty, dressed in a pale gold robe, clings to her body in the Gangfeng wind, drawing a graceful and exquisite figure to outline the ups and downs of hills and valleys. Adding two blue rainbows to set off poverty is like a fairy in a painting. This supercilious look is even more light and angry. It is Jiao Fei’s strong heart and some people are elated. The sentence "Do I have to change the Dapeng bird for you to ride?" It’s even more thick-skinned with a pair of Jiaofei. It’s better to think that GongSunGong blushed first.
The two men flew for a long time because of that embarrassment and there was no language.
Jiao Fei’s first attempt to fly in Peng Armored on this day was also novel. He secretly attached the Tao Xin Chun Yang mantra to Tian Peng Armored. Suddenly, many Gongsungong were born with a love for flying swords. She also learned a set of sword tactics from a fellow friend near Jinxia Island, a famous female scattered fairy. The magic door was not good at refining flying swords, and she didn’t have much time to regret it.