
### 益处:

1. **食用价值**:
– 竹青含有较高的纤维素和木质素,可以作为食物材料。
– 竹青煮饭是一种自然的提取竹青素的方法,这种物质被认为具有清洁和保湿的功效。

2. **药用价值**:
– 竹青被认为具有去火清凉的作用,可以入药使用。
– 新鲜竹片烘烤得到的汁液,即竹沥,可以用来治疗咳嗽和化痰。

3. **工业用途**:
– 竹青的成分中含有多种微量元素,可以用于工业生产,如造纸、纤维板制造等。

4. **化妆品原料**:


– 竹青中的某些成分可以提取出来用于化妆品,提供清洁和保湿的功效。

### 影响:

1. **环境影响**:
– 大量砍伐竹子以获取竹青可能会对竹林的生态环境造成破坏。
– 竹青的处理和加工过程中可能产生废弃物,需要妥善处理以减少对环境的影响。

2. **社会影响**:
– 竹青的采集和加工可能会为当地居民提供就业机会,增加收入。
– 如果过度采集竹青,可能会导致竹子资源的枯竭,影响竹笋和其他竹制品的生产。

3. **经济影响**:
– 竹青的多种用途使其具有一定的经济价值,有助于推动相关产业的发展。
– 竹青的采集和加工可能需要特定的技术和设备,这可能会增加相关产品的成本。



1. **调节血糖**:天花粉是中药中常用于治疗糖尿病的药材之一。研究表明,天花粉中含有的天花粉蛋白、羟甲基丝氨酸、天冬氨酸、瓜氨酸等成分,对血糖有双向调节作用,既能降低血糖,又能防止血糖过低。

2. **增强免疫力**:天花粉蛋白具有免疫原性,能够促进免疫球蛋白的产生,具有非特异性免疫增强作用,有助于提高人体免疫力。

3. **抗癌作用**:天花粉对肿瘤细胞有抑制作用,具有潜在的抗癌功效。


4. **治疗过敏性疾病**:如过敏性鼻炎(花粉症),日本的研究显示,中医药在治疗花粉症方面具有显著疗效,中药花粉中的某些成分可能有助于缓解过敏症状。

5. **美容养颜**:某些花粉如松花粉,富含多种氨基酸和微量元素,被认为有助于改善皮肤状况,具有美容养颜的效果。


6. **改善心血管功能**:一些花粉具有扩张血管、降低血压的作用,对心血管系统有益。

7. **抗炎、消肿、排脓**:天花粉具有清热泻火、消肿排脓的功效,可用于治疗热病烦渴、肺热燥咳、疮疡肿毒等疾病。



1. **清热泻火**:导赤丸的主要功效之一是清热泻火,适用于体内火气过旺引起的症状。它可以缓解因内火引起的口舌生疮、咽喉疼痛、心胸烦热等症状。

2. **利尿通便**:导赤丸具有利尿通便的作用,适用于因火热内盛导致的小便短赤和大便秘结。它能帮助身体排出多余的湿热和毒素。


3. **解毒**:导赤丸中的一些成分具有解毒作用,可以帮助身体排除体内毒素,改善因毒素积累引起的各种不适。


4. **缓解炎症**:导赤丸对于治疗尿道炎、肾炎及口腔炎等炎症有很好的疗效。它可以减轻炎症反应,缓解相关症状。

5. **改善心胸烦热**:对于因内火引起的口舌生疮或心胸烦躁等症状,导赤丸也有一定的缓解作用。

6. **辅助治疗其他症状**:导赤丸还可以用于治疗因心热移于小肠引起的症状,如小便赤涩刺痛等。



– 应在医生指导下使用,特别是对于高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者。
– 服用期间应避免烟酒和辛辣刺激性食物。
– 忌与滋补性中药同时服用。
– 服药后大便次数增多且不成形者,应酌情减量。
– 儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、年老体弱及脾虚便溏者应在医师指导下服用。
– 严格按用法用量服用,不宜长期服用。



1. **散寒止呕**:中医认为,生姜性温味辛,能够散寒、止呕、开痰。姜糖中的生姜成分可以帮助驱散体内寒气,对于受寒引起的呕吐、咳嗽等症状有一定的缓解作用。


2. **增强免疫力**:生姜中的姜辣素具有抗炎和抗菌作用,可以增强人体的免疫力,帮助身体抵抗感冒和其他疾病。

3. **促进消化**:姜辣素可以刺激唾液腺和胃肠消化腺的分泌,促进胃肠蠕动,有助于增进食欲、帮助消化和调整胃肠功能。

4. **抗炎止痛**:一些研究表明,生姜中的活性成分可以起到类似阿司匹林的作用,具有抗炎和止痛效果,对关节炎患者有一定的缓解作用。

5. **降低血脂和血压**:生姜中的某些成分有助于降低血脂和血压,对预防心血管疾病有积极作用。

6. **改善体质**:姜糖适合多种体质的人群食用,对于体寒、体虚、免疫力差、容易感染疾病、容易便秘、肤色暗黄、容易长痘痘、胃寒肾虚、容易发胖、精神衰弱、容易疲劳、产前产后妇女、更年期妇女等人群都有一定的调理作用。

7. **美容养颜**:姜糖中的生姜成分有助于促进血液循环,改善肤色,对于想要美容养颜的人群来说,是一个不错的选择。


8. **驱寒暖胃**:姜糖在寒冷的季节里食用,可以驱寒暖胃,对于体寒的人群特别有益。


– 儿童不宜食用,因为姜糖刺激性较大,容易损伤口腔、食道和胃黏膜。
– 阴虚火旺体质及患有肺炎、肺脓肿、肺结核、胃溃疡、胆囊炎、肾盂肾炎、糖尿病、痔疮等疾病的人不宜长期食用。
– 夏季天气炎热、口干、咽痛、汗多时,最好少吃含姜的食物。




1. **养胃促消化**:砂仁根具有养胃的作用,对于调理胃部健康十分有益。它可以帮助消食、促进肠胃蠕动,对于缓解胃部胀气、促进消化有显著效果。

2. **缓解孕吐**:砂仁根与姜汁搭配,可用来缓解妊娠期女性的孕吐症状,有助于改善食欲不振等问题。

3. **温中和胃**:砂仁根性辛温,归脾经、胃经、肾经,具有温中和胃的功效,适用于治疗因脾胃气滞或湿邪中阻引起的各种症状。

4. **祛风除湿**:砂仁根有祛风除湿的作用,适用于治疗因湿气重引起的各种不适。

5. **治疗多种疾病**:砂仁根可用于治疗脘腹胀满、痢疾、呕吐、脾虚弱引起的食少、大便溏稀、口干、口臭、口渴、口苦、舌苔厚白、口舌生疮等症状。

6. **增强免疫力**:砂仁根对皮炎、湿疹、体癣、唇周疱疹、带状疱疹、荨麻疹、真菌等疾病有较强的抵抗能力。

7. **制作药膳**:砂仁根常作为药膳原料,如加入粥中可增强养胃效果,煲汤或生嚼砂仁根也有助于去除体内湿气。

8. **安胎止呕**:砂仁根具有行气和中的作用,对于缓解妊娠期胎气不安、恶心呕吐有显著疗效。

9. **注意事项**:虽然砂仁根有诸多益处,但在使用时仍需注意,尤其是孕妇应控制剂量,并在医生指导下使用。


Wu Wensheng started his career mainly by two people. The first is Yan Kang, who brought money to become a shareholder and was very capable. When Lao Wu just started to look up, many members of various district councils in Jiangnan District of the city were helped to settle and settle.

The second person is the noble Bing Wang, a woman who entered the District Council very early in Jiangnan District. She belongs to a strong woman with great connections and brains. At that time, she was just about to flee to Wu Wensheng to see that she was single and had no children, so she tried her best to lick this woman.
Although Wu Wensheng is not young and long, he can’t be said to be handsome, but he has experience, humor and a good understanding of women’s minds. Bing Wang insisted on falling without Takuya, and she not only fell in love with Lao Wu, but also became entangled with him in her career.
Bing Wang introduced the most important White House to Wu Wensheng after he had feelings for him! And Wu Wensheng officially became the chief member because of the support of the White House, and for a long time later, Lao Wu was also very sensible, not only obedient, but also helped the White House collect a lot of money.
Later, after Wu Wensheng got up completely in Jiangnan District, his company base was handed over to Wu Yao and Yankang to look at and be responsible for the joint delivery. This is Bing Wang, who usually doesn’t go to the company to run outside and is willing to be a green leaf for Wu Wensheng.
After listening to the story of the gun dealer, the old cat asked curiously, "You can know so many secret things just by looking at a warehouse?"
"Ha ha" gun guy smiled. "Although I look at the warehouse, I’ve seen a lot in Wu Jiagan’s years. Many things happen to us in private. For example, Yankang drivers always come to me if they have nothing to do. If they talk nonsense, they will know more."
"Ah, it is." The old cat nodded.
"Although I told you about it, it’s very difficult for you to check it out." The gun dealer added gently, smoking a cigarette. "First of all, Bing Wang can sell Wu Wensheng because this woman seems to have a lot of feelings for him. Secondly, I heard that the boss behind Liu Wenzhi, the goods dealer, is also very hard. It seems that he is a leader of Songjiang Military Zone. If you want to arrest him, there is no direct evidence. Then maybe something big will happen."
"Did Liu Wenzhi deliver the goods directly to the warehouse?" The old cat asked
"How is it possible?" The gun dealer shook his head. "He’s a respectable little guy in this industry. Why does he do this delivery work himself? And I only met him once, when he was in Wu Yao for his birthday, and he came over for a drink. "
The old cat frowned at the smell.
"Old cat … Oh, no … Mao Ge, if you want to move Liu Wenzhi, it will be difficult to move him unless you can find his delivery point and catch him." The gun dealer woke up.
"Well, I see." The old cat nodded.
More than 11 o’clock in the middle of the night
The police station belongs to the hospital.
The old cat looked at Qin Yu with some fire. "Xiao is indeed a flow now, but the base is equal to not saying that he came out. These two people are more difficult than one, and the surname Liu may have a military background! Oh, this case is getting more and more complicated, involving too many people. "
Qin Yu frowned and smoked. "Can you make up this evidence of Liu Wenzhi now?"
"Definitely can’t make up for it." The old cat shook his head. "This Liu Wenzhi didn’t show up in person at all. The shipment was handed over to the noodle people, and then Bing Wang was responsible for finding someone to receive the Central Festival. He didn’t participate in anything. If you want to take Liu Wenzhi, you have to focus on the whole gun trafficking process of Liu Wenzhi’s gang! To put it bluntly, if we haven’t solved a case yet, we have to check another one before we can catch Liu Wenzhi’s criminal evidence. "
"That certainly can’t come," Qin Yu responded with great anger.
"Yes," the old cat nodded. "A mature gun gang like Liu Wenzhi won’t give away easily. If we want to investigate, we have to start from the lowest end. In terms of the nature of the case, it is possible to find out for a year and a half, even more likely for other people’s homes and the military. You have to stop as soon as you find a word halfway."
"What about Bing Wang?"
"It’s even harder for her. That’s Wu Wensheng’s hardcore whore." The old cat shook her head again and again. "I can make her vomit."
Qin Yuwen fell silent.
"If we don’t get their purchase channels, then the evidence in our hand is absolutely not enough to touch Wu Wensheng now." The old cat sighed. "Well, I think it’s hard for us to give Yuan Ke a mouth through the Wu family. Now the clue is broken and it’s too difficult to continue."
"I think you should discuss it with Li Shu and have a look at him …!"
"Didi Lingling!"
Before the words were finished, the old cat’s cell phone rang.
"Superintendent, wait a minute. I’ll take a message." The old cat greeted Qin Yu and pressed the answer key. "Hello? !”
"Cat, come back quickly. Someone is looking for you." Zhu Wei said urgently. "He said he had important information about the case to talk to you."
"Looking for me?" The old cat was stunned. "I just got back. Why did you call me as soon as I got back?"
"He looked for Xiaoyu most. I said that Xiaoyu was in hospital, and he said that it would be you to find the person in charge of this case." Zhu Wei explained.
"Is it related to the Wu case?"
"Yes!" Zhu Wei nodded. "Come back quickly."
"Okay, I’ll be right back." The old cat got up and hung up and bowed her head and said to Qin Yu, "Someone wants to talk to me about the case. I’ll go back first."
"Let’s study this thing tomorrow" Qin Yu nodded.
"Okay, I’ll go first."
About an hour later.
The old cat in the office area of the third team of the superintendent went to the door and shouted, "Who wants to see me?"

If things change, Ma Wencai is not here, Wan Ku is not here, and his misdeeds are not only uncommon, but also an excellent-looking talent. If Tang Bohu is generally romantic and talented, then facing such a door, he is famous for his graceful demeanor. Will Zhu Yingtai follow suit and marry that Ma Wencai after listening to his engagement at home? Leave Liang Shanbo, a poor student, behind?

Ahem, let’s not spoil the classics. Looking at the dry day, Wen Yingji sighed slightly and sat in that chair with his eyes staring at the virtual hall.
There is no denying that this man is excellent to the extreme in any aspect, but he is a dragon and phoenix among people. Otherwise, even with the support of Taiping’s ancestor, he still can’t help Adou. This Terran co-owner dominates the gods. Dry days are not excellent, but a generation of arrogant people.
What about Yu Duxiu?
When Yu Duxiu was in Wen Yingji’s eyes, it was just a little diaosi of staple goods color. I don’t know how many streets I dumped Yu Duxiu on that dry day, and there is no place to compare the two.
If Wen Yingji’s dry days are complicated, it is really difficult to summarize them in a few words.
Peter said that Jade Duxiu was shining in a pair of eyes on the top of the mountain. Looking at the empty road, everything was shot out from Jade Duxiu’s eyes, and the emptiness was constantly distorted in this light.
"whoosh!" A streamer landed in the void, only to see the king’s figure appear not far from the Jade Show.
"Brother Miaoxiu, why are you so angry, so flustered, and so imposing?" The king looked at Jade Duxiu in disbelief.
Jade Duxiu looked at the king and wrote, "It’s complicated. Do you know what happened here in those days?"
The king wrote smell speech and turned his eyes and looked at the surrounding mountains, but shook his head. "I have to go back to find information about this matter. I don’t know if there are things here that are actually worth fighting."
"Brother Miao Xiu might as well tell you something for your reference. Maybe you can help you find a solution." Just then, I saw two streamers flashing in the virtual space, and the original king Li Hongxiu appeared not far away.
Yu Duxiu frowned when he heard this, but his eyes turned and he said, "I heard people say that there is a Hanazono Sakura world hidden here, but I can’t find the world node of the Hanazono Sakura world. I don’t know that Taoist brother knows the secret?"
Jade Duxiu’s words fell to one side, but the original king said, "So this is the case. There is actually a hidden side in this place. The Hanazono Sakura world is barren, but it is not without merit. I know some secrets in this Hanazono Sakura world node, but I don’t know if Brother Dao wants to listen."
Yu Duxiu’s eyes lit up. "Speaking quickly is naturally to be heard."
The original Heavenly King said, "The nodes of the Hanazono Sakura world are not static."
Yu Duxiu frowned. "What do you mean?"
While Wang wrote, he also touched the bar and said, "I’ve also heard people say that according to my ancestral records, the Hanazono Sakura world is more fragile than only the monks in the three disasters realm can come, but all the monks in the Hanazono Sakura world can’t come. Only the monks who have not yet survived the disaster can come."
"But what is this Hanazono Sakura world node?" Yuduxiu endurance road
The original heavenly king touched the bar. "The Hanazono Sakura world is attached to the universe, but it is not static, but it keeps moving around the universe, and the contact nodes of the universe naturally move with it."
Yu Duxiu’s face suddenly changed when he heard this. "So, the node that was able to play here in the past has been moved to other places and can’t be found again?"
If the Hanazono Sakura world node moves casually, even the godfather can find the Hanazono Sakura world node.
"If not, the Hanazono Sakura world moves regularly, maybe for a year, maybe for two years, or for ten years or millions of years, then the Hanazono Sakura world node will eventually pass through here again, and then the node can be re-played." Original Tianwang said.
Yu Duxiu heard that his face changed. "Is there no other way to find this node?"
While Li Hongxiu shook his head, "I’m afraid there’s no way to find a node in this vast world unless you have great powers and magical powers to lock it here in advance, but it’s difficult and different from finding a needle in a haystack, even a godfather can’t do it."
"How did that happen?" Jade Duxiu suddenly slouches at the way
"Isn’t it an Hanazono Sakura world? Brother must care so much." Wang wrote otherwise.
Chapter 7 Donghai Mou
If the Hanazono Sakura world Jade Duxiu is ordinary, it naturally won’t care about the Hanazono Sakura world. When it reaches the realm of Jade Duxiu, it can be annihilated, and the Hanazono Sakura world will be turned to ashes. But the key is that the Hanazono Sakura world is not ordinary, but the only heir to his jade Duxiu can’t worry?
"No, you have to find the coordinates of the Hanazono Sakura world and the world node of the Hanazono Sakura world." Yu Duxiu’s eyes flashed and his eyes were broken. At this time, he hated himself for not knowing the great magical power of the future, otherwise he could check the long river of heaven and earth to find the destination of the node
East China Sea East China Sea Dragon Palace East China Sea Dragon King Jin Lin sat opposite each other.


1. **物理防晒**:
– **原理**:物理防晒主要通过防晒剂(如二氧化钛、氧化锌)的反射和散射作用,将紫外线反射或散射,从而减少紫外线对皮肤的伤害。
– **优点**:物理防晒剂对皮肤温和,不会吸收进皮肤,对敏感肌肤友好。
– **缺点**:可能需要较多的量来形成均匀的保护层,有时可能会给皮肤留下白膜。

2. **化学防晒**:
– **原理**:化学防晒剂通过吸收紫外线并将其转化为热能,从而减少紫外线对皮肤的伤害。


– **优点**:通常质地轻薄,易于涂抹,适合油性或混合性肌肤。
– **缺点**:部分化学防晒剂可能对皮肤有刺激性,不适合敏感肌肤。


3. **生物防晒**:
– **原理**:生物防晒利用生物技术或生物活性成分,如植物提取物,来抵抗紫外线对皮肤的伤害。
– **优点**:对皮肤温和,可能具有其他护肤功效。
– **缺点**:防晒效果可能不如物理或化学防晒。

4. **防晒指数(SPF)**:
– **定义**:SPF是衡量防晒产品对UVB射线防护能力的指标,表示产品能提供多长时间的防晒保护。
– **选择**:根据个人需求选择合适的SPF值,通常建议使用SPF30或更高。
– **注意**:SPF值越高,防晒效果越好,但并非越高越好。过高的SPF值可能增加产品油腻感,且使用效果可能并不比中等SPF值的产品好。

5. **防晒乳液与喷雾**:
– **乳液**:质地轻薄,易于涂抹,适合日常使用。
– **喷雾**:方便携带,易于均匀涂抹,但可能需要多次喷洒才能达到足够的防晒效果。

6. **其他防晒方法**:
– **衣物**:穿着长袖衣物、帽子和太阳镜等,可以有效减少紫外线对皮肤的伤害。
– **遮阳伞**:遮阳伞可以阻挡大部分紫外线,提供额外的防晒保护。



"I went to … I met a poor boy!" A long sigh in the heart of the spirit disdains the mouth. "Then it can be reduced to 15 pieces of spar."

"One piece, one piece is the limit of the younger generation. If the younger generation is successful in official career in the future, it must be compensated to your old man’s house one hundred times and one thousand times." Hu-day push your luck and look urgent and lifelike. It is lifelike, and the spirit of the device has not found anything wrong at the moment. At this time, Hu-day’s mind is less than ten steps away from the silver mountain!
"One piece is less than the headstrong goods of road flyover Kui Mao? ! Serve me in the future? I was afraid that after a long time, if you found out about me, you would go back and eat me! But it’s not easy to fool a person. Wouldn’t it be much more dangerous if you were touching an essence? This little one is also a rammer! If you don’t say the second job, you’ll come to refine it. I’ve got such a good eye for Dan You! Hey, just after World War I fell to the bottom again. One spar a day. Should I return to the peak? "
Qi ling secretly lamented that he was caught in a dilemma for a while.
"predecessors? Predecessors? " Hu-day saw the spirit of silence and hurried a few steps to the foot of the mountain and reached out to meet Yinshan.
"Well, it’s just that I’m unlucky to meet an old friend like you. Just stay and listen to me. One spar a day in the future can’t be less, but at the same time, I want you to collect gold ingots to enrich my sea of gold and silver ingots to fill my Yinshan. If you don’t promise, then it’s a deal. My old man’s house is ruined so that I can find another talent." The spirit is depressed and the tone is much more stiff this time.
Hu-day also knows that even the real bottom line of the spirit is that if he doesn’t promise to be afraid that the negotiations will break down, but he never takes this deal to heart, so he suddenly wakes up with a clap of his forehead and generally says with no scruples, "Oh, my predecessors, you’ve always said that the younger generation of spar is excited, but it’s still the spar!" Senior, do you think it can be reduced to medium spar? "
"In the spar? ! How dare you say it! " The spirit was slightly stunned and then flew into a rage. This anger was accompanied by deep disappointment. It said that it was good and bad, and its mind was fooled for a long time. Unexpectedly, in the end, it cheated such a stupid and poor person.
"You said you Dan visitors how so disappointing? You can’t even take out the spar. Are you worthy of Dan You and your whole body? !” The spirit is so angry that even Yinshan is trembling slightly, with a tone of hating iron and not producing.
Hu-day smiled instead. He deliberately angered Qi Ling to follow the fluctuations to find out where it really is. The so-called "Silver Mountain is the Body" is just what Qi Ling said. Only when someone is really stupid will he take every word of Qi Ling as true after realizing something wrong.
"hmm? Wrong! " Qi Ling suddenly realized that something was wrong with Hu-day. "Are you kidding me?"? How can you not take out the spar when you are served every month? !”
"Ah, that’s because the younger generation thinks it’s more appropriate if the spar doesn’t lower the refining of the older generation every day!" After saying his word, Hu-day suddenly rioted and slammed into the silver mountain in front of him!
Just then, Hu-day was like a flash and crashed into Yinshan before the spirit of Kuaiqi could react.
There was a roar in my ears, and when it was dark, it suddenly lit up!
Hu Tian’s face lit up because he had successfully entered the Baiyin Mountain.
"hmm? ! You are so ungrateful that you dare to deceive me like this. I’m angry. I’m really angry. I’m going to destroy your figure! " For a moment, the sound of the organ suddenly broke out, and there was never anger that made the whole silver mountain violently shake and fluctuate!
It seems that heaven and earth are really angry, which makes people tremble.
Hu-day, on the contrary, is more and more happy. The more furious and rude the other party is, the more he said that he guessed that it was good. If the other party really had the strength, he would have killed him with one move. Why should it be so nonsense?
Just now, when he teased the spirit, he felt that the Yinshan was fluctuating violently, but Hu Tian was so smart that he certainly wouldn’t recognize that the Yinshan was really a spirit.
Ruyi crystal skull makes his thoughts penetrate the spine and the sword bone is more attached. Every time his thoughts fluctuate, he pierces it like a peerless blade master. If he doesn’t make a move, he has already made a shot to seal his throat. Therefore, Hu-day’s thinking often goes straight to the heart of the matter.
Therefore, in an instant, he realized, "It seems that the real weapon is hidden in the Yinshan to protect its turtle shell!"
Ears are rolling Lei Yin spirit growling angrily and Hu-day turned a deaf ear and looked indifferent if water eyes rolled and looked around.
Suddenly, his body was shocked and his eyes stared at the front and fell into a dull state for a moment!
But seeing that there is something else in the Yinshan Department of Fiona Fang, in the center, there is a porch built of gold square bricks, which is like a golden hill. The surface of the mountain is thousands of steps of golden light shining straight and dazzling.
At the top of Jinshan, there is a building whose cigarettes curl up in the doorway.
There are ruby posts on the left and right of the gate, and a couplet is attached to the cylinder of each post.
Liandao-"The sea can be boiled, the Huai River can be divided, and the river can float for nine days."
Liandao-"Three talents in the right place and at the right time help to help the financial resources"
"Juxian Temple!" Hu-day slightly opened his mouth and muttered a strong shock.
Road flyover Gu Xian Temple Gu Long!
Even if the ten thousand-year-old giant just leaves a trace of residual thoughts, he will turn Hu-day around and talk about intrigues and traps. Ten Hu-days together are by no means his opponents!
Hu Tian knows that Taoist Gu Long was not defeated by him, but by an unpredictable fate. In another world, Huaxia Wen was defeated, but he was wronged, which can be described as a typical model of capsizing in the gutter, but this does not reduce Hu Tian’s admiration for him!
Even if the enemy almost killed his body and killed his consciousness, he had to admire him in Hu-day. Hu-day admired every powerful person.
Taoist Gu Long is the most powerful monk he has ever seen! Even if he has only a trace of residual thoughts.
After extremely lucky mutation, Hu Tian gained most of the experience and memory of Taoist Gu Long, and he also knew that Taoist Gu Long set up seven temples of ancient immortals in Houlu, but he never expected that the second temple of ancient immortals appeared so suddenly that he was caught off guard!
Section 46 gets strangulation method of dragon road flyover!
There’s a temple of immortals in this treasure copper coin!
Hu-day was surprised and immediately understood that Taoist Gu Long arranged this move. The seven temples of Gu Xian are the seven ways for this 10,000-year-old giant to resurrect himself. Even a trace of residual thoughts can be nurtured and thrived in Gu Xian Temple until it reaches the standard of possessed rebirth.
Road flyover Gu Long arranged this temple in the magic weapon department of Jubao Copper Coin, which can be described as extremely ingenious. If Hu Tianre hadn’t happened to bump into it, maybe hundreds of years later, he overthrew the other five temples, leaving this one beside him and searching all over the universe, but he couldn’t find the final result.
Road flyover "method of dragon life received more than a dozen kinds of innate spirit method, one of the most mysterious seven suppression method of fairy temple in the first temple is good fortune merit toad don’t know what kind of spirit method is living in this temple? It seems that the treasure copper coin is just a method of Taoist Dragon, and the silver mountain in the golden sea is also a trap. If the ordinary monk defeats the spirit and refines the silver mountain, he will really benefit himself. "These thoughts flash like flint in Hu-day’s mind, and the methods of Taoist Dragon are as sinister as ever, and there are foreshadowing and unpredictable.
Shake your head slightly and throw away your messy thoughts. Hu-day’s face is dignified and goes to the Temple of Fairy.
I don’t know what it may be, but the so-called "Yinshan Spirit" suddenly disappeared after shouting. The whole Yinshan White Silver Shadow and the Golden Brick Xuantai complement each other and filled with a quiet and deep but dangerous atmosphere.
Hu Tian seems to be the only one left in the whole world.
But he must know that Taoist Fa Long is spying on himself in the dark. What will he do to deal with himself?
Hu-day’s walk in a short distance was extremely dignified and arduous. If it were not for his consciousness, he would have been sweating profusely.
At the beginning, he had been lurking for a long time, and his calculations were complete, but he still lost to the methods of Taoist Long. Now he is just a mind, with only means to anchor the sea, and he is on the verge of collapse.
"This idea body embodies most of my ideas in the sea. If it is destroyed here, my body is simply the best object to possess an unguarded fortress!" The thought of here Hu-day is consciously hold hands anchored.
"But if let me make a choice again, I will still choose to do so! It’s lucky to put a fairy temple beside me without knowing it! "
At this time, Hu-day is already more mature than in the disk method star, and soon he will adjust his mentality and step on the golden porch ladder with firm and powerful steps!
Step by step, Hu Tian walked very cautiously.
An unknown attack may be imminent. He can’t be careless.
Unexpectedly, if he is desperate to throw the vast majority of bets, once he loses, where is there room for him to turn over in Hu-day? He can’t afford to lose.
However, to his surprise, there was still no attack on him when he stepped through these thousands of golden steps one by one and stood at the door of the Temple of Fairy.
What is the most frightening thing?
The answer is not evil spirits, nightmares, zombies, but the unknown
Unknown attacks make people more cautious and fearful.
"Don’t road flyover method of dragon this residual thoughts want to put all your eggs in one basket on the last straw? Or is this fairy temple his real trap? "

The atmosphere of horror and horror has spread, and many monks wish they could not leave at once and do not want to stay here, because the bones of many ancient brothers and sisters of the six dharma circles seem to tell the horror here all the time.

Lu Li frowned. He was thinking about how such a large Taikoo Gate could be directly destroyed.
So many core elders, such as the Taikoo Gate Master, the ruling judge and so on, deduced the results of thousands of snow and purple sounds and the ten evils that were not taught by the fire forest. It should have happened in Taikoo Gate, but what happened to these people?
In addition, Fang Yunhan, Ye Guhong, Yun Ruoyu, once other disciples and sisters may also be in the virtual world of clouds, and is Wan Qiu, the queen of Taikoomen Tianjiao, gone?
I have searched for god’s knowledge several times, but I haven’t found the breath of the person I want to find.
"There are not many people who can destroy the Taikoo Gate. Moreover, the Taikoo Gate’s master is so shrewd that it is impossible to easily make a war between the two sides. It is said that the six legal circles are closely related to Taikoo Gate, especially after the invasion of the celestial world. So the possibility of forming an alliance with Taikoo Gate is bound to increase greatly, so it is inevitable that the six legal circles of Taikoo Gate will be damaged at the same time, and their repair will definitely belong to Jin Xian or even stronger!" Lu Li’s heart is still calculating.
He looked deep and said, "I remember some people with such strength, but even if the strength of Taikoo Gate is not good, monks should be able to escape to seek reinforcements or simply escape, but what I saw before was that the array was closed …"
Lu Li thought of this, and the answer is already coming out.
"It’s enough to destroy the six dharma circles of Taikoomen, and it’s possible to close the whole cloud virtual world, and to have a statue of Jin Xian overlord level master … evil cloud magic field-heaven!" The figure of this person suddenly appeared in Lu Li’s mind
There is nothing wrong. On that day, the sky was put out to close the whole cloud virtual world. When it was in its heyday, it was said that it was able to dominate the first world war of Yin and Yang, so afraid that even Taikoo Gate would be destroyed if it tried its best.
If so, it will make sense.
When I came to that day, I felt a chill in my eyes and whispered, "Time!"
Guanghua Twinkle Time flies away, and the road of light and shadow flashes, and Guanghua reflects the pictures of the past, which is exactly the way to spy on the past.
Sure enough, there was a flash of gray shadow, with a breath that made people stunned and suffocated, and it was a shocking killing.
"Wait, how is this smell familiar?" From one leng, I feel something is wrong.
His deduction eyes suddenly burst into a shocking murder rage. "Although the breath can be felt in the past, it is always blurred. It turns out that this day is to kill the lotus!"
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Go against fate
Clouds and virtual worlds are far away from rage.
Going back to the old account of Swire Budget is to find out the real murderer who killed Lotus Fairy in the past.
It is also to find out and capture some clues, so that many repairs of stepping on Tianzong immediately leave.
There is no special life in this place where the gate of Tianzong Mountain in Xianyun Mountain is located. Gu Quan or the spiritual pulse can step on Tianzong Xiu, so the cultivation speed is extremely fast
This is very clear to people.
There is a small celestial realm in Tantianzong, but all Tianjiao brothers can enter it to practice.
It is said that the aura of this small celestial body is a hundred times more intense than that of the outside world.
But the source of its spiritual power is known to outsiders.
In the end, the two women, the snake and scorpion, who were defeated in heaven, also stayed in Tantianzong. They knew all kinds of scheming, but they didn’t teach Yun Yao to stand around and protect them.
Lu Li’s remote disciples taught her skills because Lu Li will travel again soon.
In ten years, the four primary schools have grown up, and they are not what they used to be. They are very familiar with all kinds of methods and tactics, and they often get into trouble in the cultivation of immortals, but they have also done a lot of good deeds.
"The concentration of aura in the fairy world is really extraordinary." This is the first time that the moon ice mark has stepped into the discussion with Mu Qianxue and Mu Ziyin, and the broken-hearted fairy is also on the side.
She is also planning to stay in Tantianzong. The swordsmanship is very sharp and there are all kinds of difficulties to understand. The common point is the moon ice mark, the eye practice breaks through the bottleneck, and the broken heart fairy happens to be able to practice it. There are similarities between the two swords, and they also have people waiting silently.
Hearing the words of ice marks on the moon and the indifference of thousands of snows, I laughed. "Yes, there are three strongest veins in the wasteland, but they are not directly connected, but three tunnels have been laid to drain the aura of the three veins."
"Three great veins? Didn’t Wenta Tianzong occupy a dragon vein? Although in the world, Tianlong Lingmai is definitely the most powerful Lingmai, but some people have deduced that there are ancient veins that contain more spiritual power than it does.
She also went through a lot of experience after the boundary. When the celestial world invaded, the moon ice mark happened to be trapped in a dangerous place and never got out of it until a few years after the war in Sumeru Mountain. She didn’t get out of it without repairing it, but she also rose a lot.
Qianxue saw that she didn’t understand and then smiled and explained, "It’s that there is no external truth, and the meaning has been forgotten. Heaven has occupied the heaven and earth veins, and the two veins are slightly better than the Tianlong veins."
"Yi Tian, forgetful words, they are not all stepping on Tianzong …" The moon ice marks are slightly scattered.
"Yes, they are all Tianzong people. They are arranged to go to the far north sea area to occupy these two spiritual veins, and then they will set up another two clan doors to cover up the surface. The two clan doors will be very low-key and mysterious, but in fact they are all Tianzong divisions." Kan Kan talked about thousands of snows.
When I was away from home, I also appeared to see all the people away from home and nodded with a smile.
A few days ago, he left for the sea to pay homage to the people who died in Tianji Island, and then returned. He told everyone to leave Xianyun Mountain and step on Tianzong to finish some things.
This time, it may take months, and it may take years to be apart.
Violet is holding hands and smiling happily. "My husband, have a nice trip and come back soon."
Gently nod and smile "rest assured"
The theory of ancient fairy land is widely read in various ancient scrolls.
He galloped all the way above the virtual, beyond the sky and stepped on the stars.
The day before, Xinggu Road went forward bravely, and he even defeated the strong who broke through dozens of other planes and defended the strong.