
1. **理气健脾**:陈皮性温,味辛、苦,归肺、脾经,具有理气健脾、燥湿化痰的功效。这有助于改善脾胃功能,缓解消化不良、食欲不振等症状。

2. **止咳化痰**:陈皮中的有效成分能够帮助润肺清热,对于咳嗽、痰多等症状有很好的缓解作用。


3. **燥湿化痰**:陈皮能燥湿,对于湿痰、寒痰等有很好的化解作用。


4. **补益气血**:红糖含有丰富的矿物质和维生素,能补益气血,对于体弱、贫血等有一定的改善作用。

5. **缓解痛经**:陈皮红糖水中的红糖具有活血化瘀的作用,对于女性痛经有一定的缓解效果。

6. **补充营养**:陈皮红糖水含有多种微量元素和维生素,有助于补充日常所需的营养。

7. **美容养颜**:红糖中的微量元素和维生素有助于维持皮肤健康,使皮肤光滑有弹性,具有一定的美容养颜效果。

8. **缓解胃肠不适**:陈皮红糖水可以促进胃肠蠕动,增加胃肠蠕动的力度,对于胃肠不适有一定的改善作用。

9. **提高免疫力**:陈皮红糖水中的多种成分有助于增强人体的免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

10. **镇痛作用**:陈皮和红糖都具有镇痛作用,可以缓解头痛、腰痛等疼痛症状。



1. **药用价值**:
– **清热解毒**:枣叶具有清热解毒的功效,可以用来治疗一些热病引起的症状。


– **凉血止血**:对于血热引起的出血症状,如鼻出血、吐血等,枣叶有一定的凉血止血作用。
– **消食化积**:枣叶可以帮助消化,对于食积不化有一定的缓解作用。


2. **保健作用**:
– **抗氧化**:枣叶中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。
– **增强免疫力**:一些研究表明,枣叶中的某些成分可能有助于增强人体的免疫力。

3. **其他用途**:
– **美容养颜**:在古代,枣叶常被用来洗浴,认为可以美容养颜。
– **驱虫**:民间有时用枣叶来驱赶蚊虫。



### 药效

1. **清热凉血**:银柴胡的主要药效是清热凉血,适用于治疗体内有热、血热等症状,如发热、口干、烦躁等。

2. **解表发汗**:具有解表发汗的作用,对于风寒感冒引起的发热、头痛、身痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **调和脾胃**:有助于调和脾胃,对于食欲不振、消化不良等症状有一定的改善作用。


4. **利湿消肿**:银柴胡还有一定的利湿消肿作用,适用于水肿、脚气等症。

5. **抗病毒、抗菌**:现代研究表明,银柴胡具有一定的抗病毒、抗菌作用,对于某些病毒感染和细菌感染有一定的抑制作用。

### 应用

1. **感冒发热**:适用于治疗风寒感冒引起的发热、头痛、身痛等症状。


2. **热病伤阴**:适用于治疗因热病伤阴引起的发热、口干、烦躁等症状。

3. **消化不良**:适用于治疗食欲不振、消化不良等症状。

4. **水肿、脚气**:适用于治疗水肿、脚气等症状。

5. **其他疾病**:银柴胡还可以用于治疗某些皮肤病、妇科疾病等。

### 使用注意事项

1. **用量**:银柴胡的用量一般为3~9克,煎服。


2. **禁忌**:外感风寒及血虚无热者忌服。孕妇、哺乳期妇女、儿童、老年人等特殊人群使用前应咨询专业医生。

3. **配伍**:银柴胡通常与其他中药材配伍使用,如与其他清热药、解表药等搭配,以提高疗效。

4. **储存**:银柴胡应储存在干燥、通风、避光的环境中,以防霉变。



1. **排毒养颜**:苹果和胡萝卜都含有丰富的营养素。胡萝卜中的胡萝卜素在人体内可以转化为维生素A,有助于皮肤组织的康复和调理,避免色素沉积形成色斑,使肌肤细腻诱人。同时,它还可以帮助排出体内的毒素和代谢垃圾。


2. **减肥瘦身**:苹果胡萝卜汁有助于排出体内毒素和代谢垃圾,创造一个清洁的内环境。通过定期饮用,可以控制能量摄入,促进脂肪燃烧,从而达到瘦身的效果。此外,苹果中的酵素可以促进三大营养素的分解和代谢。

3. **防癌、提高免疫力**:苹果胡萝卜汁中含有丰富的维生素C和胡萝卜素等生物素,有助于减少自由基的生成,提高人体免疫力。胡萝卜素还能保护视力、呼吸系统等。

4. **保护视力**:胡萝卜中含有丰富的β-胡萝卜素,这种物质在人体内转化为维生素A,有助于维护眼睛健康,预防干眼病。

5. **促进消化**:苹果和胡萝卜中都含有大量的膳食纤维,有助于促进消化,预防便秘。

6. **美容养颜**:苹果中的维生素C和胡萝卜中的维生素A都有助于皮肤健康,可以改善皮肤状况,使肌肤更加光滑有弹性。

7. **缓解压力**:苹果特有的香气可以缓解压力,减轻不良情绪。

8. **补充营养**:苹果胡萝卜汁中富含胡萝卜素、柠檬酸、苹果酸、钙、铁、果胶等多种营养素,有助于补充日常所需营养。



1. **中医角度**:
– **舒筋活络**:燕窝和木瓜都有舒筋活络的作用,对于关节酸痛、风湿、类风湿等疾病有一定的缓解作用。


– **健脾和胃**:两者均能健脾和胃,对于食欲不振、脾胃虚弱等问题有辅助治疗作用。
– **利湿化浊**:燕窝和木瓜都有利湿化浊的功效,有助于改善湿气重、痰多等症状。

2. **营养学角度**:
– **丰富营养**:燕窝和木瓜都含有丰富的营养成分,如胶原蛋白、纤维素、果酸、果糖等。
– **促进消化**:木瓜中的蛋白酶有助于消化,而燕窝则能促进食欲,增加饱腹感。
– **改善便秘**:燕窝木瓜炖品中的膳食纤维和果酸能促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘现象。
– **补充铁质**:燕窝木瓜炖品中的铁质有助于预防缺铁性贫血。

3. **美容养颜**:
– **胶原蛋白**:燕窝和木瓜都含有丰富的胶原蛋白,有助于保持皮肤弹性和光泽,延缓衰老。
– **维生素和微量元素**:燕窝木瓜炖品中含有丰富的维生素A、B和C,以及多种微量元素,有助于美容养颜。

4. **增强免疫力**:
– **燕窝**:燕窝中含有多种氨基酸和生物活性物质,能够增强人体的抗病能力。
– **木瓜**:木瓜中的营养成分也有助于提高身体免疫力。

5. **适用人群广泛**:
– **孕妇**:孕妇在妊娠期间食用燕窝木瓜炖品,可以起到安胎滋补的功效。
– **产妇**:产妇食用有助于乳汁分泌,增加泌乳量。
– **老年人**:对于老年人来说,燕窝木瓜炖品有滋阴补肾、增强体质的作用。


"It’s a wonderful show. The Taoist priest has heard about it all the days. Since he said that the Wei bodhi old zu was reincarnated, it must be reincarnated. If you wander here sometimes, you might as well look for the reincarnation of the Wei bodhi old zu and wake up its immortal light. It’s really important to know that the Wei bodhi old zu has a god’s care and a name, but it’s not difficult to find the power to make the reincarnated gods awaken." That Antarctic immortal tunnel

"Yes, the Jade Emperor is very unreasonable this time. It is reasonable for Miao Xiu to kill the Wei bodhi old zu. It seems that it is light to call him reincarnation here. It should be called reincarnation as an example." I don’t know when Dong Wanggong led a large group of people to come in a hurry
Immortals, you say a word to me, but you don’t say a word to the dry sky, which makes it dizzy.
At this time, all the great powers of the ancestors cast their eyes in succession.
Jade Duxiu is not so good, but the dry balance is white and high, sitting on everyone’s head and shouting. Everyone is a peerless tianjiao in the great religion, but he can’t see this dry day. At this time, he has come out in a muddle
Looking at the gods all over the sky, there is no room for you to run on the dry day. Jade Duxiu just coughed gently and looked at the dry day. "The jade emperor was blinded by the bodhi old zu of Wei family. This person is the most treacherous in his words. It seems that he will not be beaten to the throne and will never be able to live in reincarnation."
"Psst ~ ~ ~" Jade Duxiu’s remark that all the gods gasped in a gasp is really cruel. If the Wei bodhi old zu is reincarnated, he can’t wake up and wait for millions of reincarnations to return, even if Jade Duxiu has waved his hand, he can call the Wei bodhi old zu to reincarnate again.
"Hum, it’s cheaper for you this time." That dry day took a look at Jade Duxiu and then turned away with a cold hum.
The bodhi old zu of the Wei family was ordained as a priest. If he doesn’t go there for a day, he won’t fall. Even if he is reincarnated, he can return with the blessing of the gods.
Looking at dry days with anger away jade Duxiu corners of the mouth outline a little strange smile "hum you wei bodhi old zu will go home? Now that it’s in my hands, just stay here and be at my mercy. "
That dry day left the gods, but they were alone with Yu Duxiu for a while, and then they rode the cloud leader and set out to leave the mountain.
In the end, there were two queen mothers in Dong Wanggong.
The two of them looked at Yu Duxiu in vain, and looked a little angry. "This naivety is too much, and it is getting more and more rampant. If you really sit in that high position, you can tell the gods what to do and take all the heavens and the whole world into your hands."
Jade Duxiu looked back at the original king from the horizon and said, "Don’t underestimate the man who is not simple in that dry day."
If you can get the fate of heaven and earth, a stranger will rob the fruit of the gods. Even if there is a plan from the Taiping ancestor, how can this person be a simple person?
"Ordinary emperors are not supposed to practice, but a powerful force is slowly brewing in this dry celestial body. Even this life of heaven and earth is hidden, and I don’t know it. This dry day has been secretly practiced." Jade Duxiu casually said with both hands.
"It is impossible that all emperors can’t practice this dry day and can’t jump out of this law." Li Hongxiu retorted
"But the dry day is not a secular emperor, but a response from heaven and earth piled up by the fate of our people. Blessing the Jade Emperor, this man was born with the fate of heaven and earth. There are all kinds of magical things. In those days when he was in the secular world, Wen Yingji could practice his life with the help of the phoenix spirit of the dragon queen of this dynasty. Gree, at this time, the two of them were granted the title of Heaven Emperor and the Queen Mother were in charge of the high life, and even if they gained the strength in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, they would be stronger." In the eyes of Jade Duxiu, a round of jade
"Is this really true?" What a terrible thing it is that Li Hongxiu, the former king, will practice the emperor and queen when he is shocked.
Jade Duxiu nodded, "Nine times out of ten is true."
"Does the godfather know about this?" The original king looked gloomy.
"Dry day this person has a life cover, even the godfather can’t detect it," Yu Duxiu said
"Do you want to tell the godfather about this matter and ask him for advice?" Li Hongxiu said.
Jade Duxiu smell speech noncommittally, but there is no mouth to ask the godfather.
Nowadays, Gantian has gained a high position, even if the godfather knows it, he will be afraid of it. What else can he do?
Besides, there is no big mistake in this dry day, even the godfather can’t knock it down without authorization. That’s to bear the big cause and effect, which leads to the wrath of heaven and earth. It should be noted that the laws of heaven and earth are linked and there must be heaven and earth induction.
"This is so good? This is so good, this dry day knows how to practice, even if the gods all over the sky will be wooed by them one by one. "Li Hongxiu looked at Yu Duxiu with anxiety.
"It is necessary to come up with a set of methods to restrain the destiny." The original king looked at Yu Duxiu with dribbling. "Since your brother Chen Sheng cut the celestial Long Mai, he must also cut the celestial Long Mai. Let’s not cut the dry dragon vein and strike the altar."
Li Hongxiu, the former king of heaven, hates dry days. He robbed people of their gods for nothing, and they can only blame him.
Jade Duxiu remained silent and thought for a while before he said, "China, Long Mai, heaven and Long Mai are not the same. At most, China died that day. If China died, what should it do if it beheaded the gods all over the sky?" Without the restraint of heaven, I am afraid that this world will be in chaos, and conflicts and struggles will continue, and my terran will be in chaos. "
"Don’t cut off China Long Mai that should be so good? Dry day this person if one day do big even godfather also checks and balances "the original king’s eyes flashed with concern.
Dry sky is the important position of the high god. If it is really dry, I am afraid that the Terran will be in turmoil again.
"Hum, if you want to be big in dry days, you have to have a chance. You have to plan a wild thing in a short time, but you don’t give it to dry days." Jade Duxiu’s mouth flickered with cold meaning
"Planning the headstrong drought? When to fight? " On one side, the original heavenly king said


1. **增强体力与耐力**:玛卡被认为可以增强体力和耐力,有助于运动员提高运动表现。

2. **改善性功能**:玛卡常被用作天然壮阳剂,有助于提高性欲、增强勃起功能和提高生育能力。


3. **提高能量水平**:由于玛卡可以增强体力,因此它也被认为可以提高整体能量水平。

4. **抗疲劳**:玛卡有助于减轻疲劳和压力,提高身体和心理的耐力。

5. **改善情绪和认知功能**:一些研究表明,玛卡可能有助于改善情绪和认知功能,例如提高记忆力。

6. **调节荷尔蒙水平**:玛卡可能有助于平衡荷尔蒙水平,尤其是对于更年期女性和更年期男性。

7. **增强免疫系统**:玛卡富含多种维生素和矿物质,有助于增强免疫系统。

8. **改善睡眠质量**:一些研究表明,玛卡可能有助于改善睡眠质量。

9. **抗氧化作用**:玛卡富含抗氧化剂,有助于保护身体免受自由基的损害。

10. **改善心血管健康**:玛卡可能有助于降低血压和胆固醇水平,从而改善心血管健康。


– **个体差异**:不同人的反应可能不同,有些人可能对玛卡没有明显效果。
– **药物相互作用**:在服用玛卡之前,请咨询医生,特别是如果您正在服用其他药物。
– **剂量**:请遵循推荐的剂量,过量食用可能导致副作用。


Qin Yu looked down at the set and grinned. "The packaging of small things is quite exquisite."

Say that finish Qin Yu pushed the door and walked into the small bar and quickly went to the 29 rooms.
On entering the room, Qin Yu saw Lin Nianlei lying on the sofa with a microphone howling, "I want to be as free as the wind …"
Qin Yu walked over and grabbed the microphone "free hair! Stop singing. "
Lin Nianlei blushed, looked up and looked at Qin Yu with a smile, "Come brother"
"Who to drink with?" Qin Yu was slightly surprised. "I remember that you are not this character?"
"Drink if you want." Lin Nianlei shook her hair and made a burp.
Qin Yu glanced at the house environment and didn’t know why he wanted to ask, "Yo, there are a lot of people in such a big private room?"
"That must drop! There are seven men!" Lin Nianlei replied with sly eyes.
Qin Yu was black-faced. "Then why don’t you let them send you? Call me a fart."
"Ha ha ha!" Lin Nianlei smiled, "Brother, are you jealous?"
"Get up quickly"
"I’m just kidding. Just me and Xiaomi drinking together without a private room is a big one." Lin Nianlei tugged at Qin Yu’s arm. "Come and have some more drinks with me …!"
"Drink a fart, I will return to work early in the day." Qin Yu stretched out his hand to help Lin Nianlei and threw herself at her. "Go away and send you back."
Lin Nianlei drank her boots in a daze, slipped on her back and fell to the ground, hitting the sofa and roared, "Why are you pushing me? !”
"… I really love you." Qin Yunai bowed his head and asked, "Did you pay the bill?"
"You are stupid. This is a bar that pays the bill after ordering something." Lin Nianlei kept hiccupping.
Qin Yu is too lazy to travel with her. He suddenly bent down and picked up her slim body with his hands and walked outside.
"Hey, don’t take advantage of me. I’m not drunk."
"Don’t talk, you’re killing me."
"ouch!" Lin Nianlei retched in Qin Yu’s arms.
"Lie trough! You endure to go to the toilet. "
"No … I’m sorry … oh … oh …" Lin Nianlei Wu wear the mouth a burst of crazy ou "… I … I can’t help it"
Qin Yu looked at his wet chest and froze.
"No … sorry burp ~" Lin Nianlei gawk wiped her mouth.
A hotel in downtown area
Xiaomi fell on the bed, pouting and sleeping soundly.
The old cat rushed to the bedroom after washing her hands, unbuttoning her clothes and shouting, "Xiaomi, why don’t you go home so late?"
Xiaomi didn’t say anything

She is climbing Mount Chogory.

There is also a Kunlun mountain range on the earth, and it is Pakistan on the other side of the border.
There are six ridges in the Jogory Mountain, and the forest man meets the mountaineering team in the mountain. The choice is northwest to southeast. This is the steepest of the six ridges.
According to the terrain report given by 74, the Kunlun Mountains in this world travel westward, which is very similar to Lin Man. I want to see if there is any mystery here.
It was late at night when the communication request was received. Three men and two women of this mountaineering team were sleeping soundly in the tent next door. Lin Man dug out a VR helmet from his backpack in the small tent and connected it to Buzhou Mountain.
The signal is not very stable.
However, the helmet of Linman Institute is the most expensive one made by Buzhoushan Company. The key is to make the satellite communication connect smoothly even in the inaccessible Kunlun Mountains. Sure enough, after 74 engineers quickly adjusted the signal to increase the information, the figure of Linman was stably displayed in Buzhoushan.
At the moment, it is a piece of white forest in Zhoushan.
"You’re here ~" Lin smiled at Lin Man.
"Hmm …" Lin Man snorted and suddenly felt something was wrong. "You’re not Lin Chong. Are you a bad Lin?"
"Ah? How did you guess? " Lin Chong’s image appeared ill-conceived, but it was punctured at a glance, which made Lin ill-conceived give birth to frustration.
"Your smile is very cheap." Lin Man looked around. "Lin Chong said that he wanted to do an experiment before asking me to do it?"
"Cut me which cheap …" Lin Buzhou muttered "wait a minute"
Lin Bu made a snap of his fingers, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed into a different world. In front of Lin Chong, there was a football-sized white iron ball with many pendants.
"Come!" Lin smiled and greeted Lin Man.
"Well ~" Lin Man nodded. This is Lin Chong. That’s right.
"He is not cheap?" Lin Buzhou was very puzzled and touched his face. "Do we laugh differently?"
"Very different" Lin Man nodded seriously.
"Ignore him," Lin Chong said to Lin Man. "The experiment this time is the Water Mirror Fairy Tour System."
"After I get the baby chip, I can activate the water mirror, virtual body, dharma body, painted skin and Xianyou pendant at the same time, which means that the water mirror can display the boundary of my dharma body."
"Then I asked Lin Buzhou’s pipe dream method to bring you here. At the moment, it is a dream, but in reality, after I insert these pendants, Zer will insert the corresponding pendants at the same time."
"This is equivalent to turning a whole daydream into a whole idea into a water mirror."
"If the experiment is successful, you and I can come to the water mirror display world at the same time."
"This time we are going to Chang ‘an, the capital of Datang."
Lin Chong’s hand appeared in the water mirror as a bustling imperial capital, which was even more brilliant at night, just like a city that never sleeps in the dark sea.
The lights there are as bright as day, and when the camera zooms in slowly, you can see that the streets are full of crowds. Everyone is carrying lanterns in their hands and rushing to a vast square, and that square has a huge lantern wheel like a Ferris wheel.
The lantern wheel is as high as 20 stories and rotates slowly in the eyes of the public, while the tens of thousands of lanterns it hangs stop and move with the wind. Even the stars are inferior in front of this unimaginable huge lantern wheel.
This is the annual Lantern Festival in Datang.
Lin Man’s eyes lit up. "Then go!"
Good Lin Chong nodded and inserted all kinds of pendants one by one to form the water mirror Xianyou system. At the same time, Zer also commanded the little mushrooms to correspond all kinds of pendants one by one.
After all the pendants are placed, Lin Chong leans a little in the water mirror.
Then Lin Man felt that the flowers at the moment were absorbed again, and he was already in a crowded crowd. There were bright lights and happy smiles everywhere, but he was squeezed involuntarily and moved forward with the crowd.
It’s really coming!
Lin Man’s heart was filled with joy.
But … What about Lin Chong?
Lin Man stopped like a rock and stood in the crowd, but no matter how crowded the crowd was, she couldn’t be squeezed. Suddenly, a man came up behind Lin Man. He turned around and grabbed his neck and dragged him over. How dare the bold little thief treat your aunt lightly … Oh, it’s Lin Chong.
Lin Man hurriedly retracted his hand and conveniently arranged a garment for Lin Chong.
"Why are you so strong? !” Lin Chong just got caught off guard and felt that his neck would be crushed by Lin Man.
"It’s so big!" Lin Man looked around curiously and looked at himself and Lin Chong. He saw that he was a coarse cloth with a silver hairpin in his head and then touched his face. Any powder and fat were estimated to be an ordinary face.
Look at Lin Chong as usual, that is, the T-shirt is replaced by a pair of raw robes.
"Jin Da … it happens ~" Lin Chong was almost crushed by her, touching her neck and crying with pain, but she was delighted, just as he expected.
At this time, Lin Man took Lin Chong through the crowd and went to the next place. First, the wine shop did not stay up all night on the Mid-Yuan Festival. Seeing Lin Chong and Lin Man in their old clothes, Xiao Er did not abandon the generosity of the Tang Dynasty and asked, "Are you eating wine?"
"Is there an elegant building?" Lin Man asked.
"The elegance of this building is all due to the good location on the third floor of the Lantern Festival shop tonight. Look, the saints are having fun in Miyagi people …" Little words are always two words’ want money’
"Where’s the money?" Lin Man understood around and held out his hand to ask Lin Chong for it.
"Wait!" Lin Chongzun cooperated with Lin Buzhouzer at the top of Kunlun Mountain. Twenty scattered fairy gods and wishing pendants made Chang ‘an Dharma Body slowly pull out an ingot of gold from his pocket … Oh, no, it’s better to touch it than to touch it.
In front of Xiao Er, Lin Chong gnashed her teeth and closed her eyes. She felt like pulling out a pearl the size of a baby’s fist from her pocket.
Xiao er’s eyes widened at once. "Isn’t this a night pearl?"
"Hey ~ it’s really generous." Lin Man took the night bead and threw it to Xiao Er, and pulled up Lin Chongjing to go upstairs.
Xiao Er was in a hurry to catch it with an incredible look.
The so-called night pearl is a tribute to the country, which was not produced in the Tang Dynasty. It is extremely expensive. Generally, it is extraordinary for a royal family to make Xiao Er know. It can make people admire that Chang’ an in Datang is so knowledgeable, but if it is like this, it will be given to Xiao Er at will, but I have never seen it in my dream.
"… remember to change!" Lin Chong-qiang, who was pulled by Lou, earned his way back and told Xiao Er-yi that a pearl with several layers of scattered fairy babies was consumed. Are you cheap?
Chapter one hundred and ninety-nine Note solitary life

When Chen Qi landed Tai Hao’s five-nimbus in Yuding Palace, he found that Ma Daoren was still not in the palace. He drove Tai Hao’s five-nimbus in Yuding Palace and made a turn in the Dan room. Chen Qi remembered that he had left an idea in the Dan furnace to take care of the fire to refine that Taiyi fire. Although Chen Qi didn’t have the right fire, he couldn’t cultivate and refine Taiyi fire.

Chen Qi took a look in the Dan furnace and saw that the true Dan of Taiyi fire was still the same. The Taoist priest actually confiscated it. Chen Qi thoughtfully stayed in the Dan furnace and put away the true Dan of Taiyi fire.
Chen Qi directly put this grain of Taiyi fire true Dan into the furnace of the sun god, and still exercised by the sun’s true fire day and night to take the opportunity to take back his thoughts. Although the monk can divide my consciousness into many thoughts, if these thoughts are slightly damaged, he will note that my consciousness is more or less directly related to my consciousness, but it is also quite influential to wreck a practice.
Ma Daoren didn’t come back to take away Taiyi fire’s true Dan, but Chen Qi didn’t want to leave his own thoughts here to care for Dan furnace. After all, Chen Qi was not used to missing an idea. He occasionally sensed changes in the fire through this year, but there were several different observation targets all the time. Even Chen Qi didn’t want to add more losses.
After receiving Taiyi Huozhen Dan, Chen Qi rode the five-light wheel of Tai Hao and made a transit in Yuding Palace. He found that this medicine garden hoarded ten times more elixirs. I don’t know where the Taoist priest came from or whether the Qingcheng Sect tilted the resources to the Taoist priest.
Although Chen Qi knew that this change was unusual, he didn’t think deeply. He was driving the Tai Hao Wuguanglun and wanted to go to Wanleitang for a turn. He heard a beautiful soft voice outside Yuding Palace calling, "Ma Shibo brought his daughter to visit in Yanse Snow, but he still hoped that Ma Shibo would enjoy a face …"
Chen Qi heard three words of Yin Xue, and his heart suddenly jumped and he couldn’t help but give a long laugh. "It turned out to be Sister Yin Xue, and my master is not in Yuding Palace. You’d better go somewhere else to find his old man’s house." Chen Qi rode Tai Hao’s five-light wheel and flew out of Yuding Palace. He saw Yin Xue withdraw a beautiful girl disguised as a man, and her big eyes were looking at Chen Qi flying out of Yuding Palace. She was slightly surprised when she saw Chen Qi. "Mother, do you want me to worship such a young teacher?"
Chen Qi repeatedly waved his hand and said, "I’m not Ma Bo’s regular trainer. You mistook me for someone else, and we once met?"
Yin Xuexue’s daughter was Chen Qi who had saved the Lu Yaner. At this time, Lu Yaner was stronger in shock wave than Chen Qi had seen at the beginning. It seems that Yin Xuexue’s cultivation is not much worse than her mother’s Yin Xuexue’s. One of the five great thunder methods of Qingcheng School is much higher than that of Yin Xuexue’s swordsmanship, but even so, Lu Yaner’s cultivation is about to catch up with her mother. Obviously, she is also a talented girl.
Jackie Chan
Chapter three hundred and one All kinds of love to forget!
However, Chen Qi had a meeting with Lu Yaner, knowing that this girl is talented, but her mind is too unstable. Even if she gets the entrance, she will still be another dark snow. She can’t learn to walk, and the Seven Spirits of Qingcheng Mountain will become the most outstanding gas refiner in this field.
It’s not difficult to get through the induction of refining gas, but it’s not difficult to practice to the fifth floor of refining gas. However, it’s not that the strength is quite the same in the realm of Taoism. It’s particularly important in the same realm. For example, the Qingcheng School’s nine-day imperial thunder printing method is more than ten times more powerful than the ordinary refining method, and it has a thunder temperament. If you don’t count the ordinary refining of qi, it will be vigorous. For example, the peach blossom teaches two elders and six majors.
In particular, the secular Taoism is declining, and the disciples of all factions are not enough to cultivate true spirit and mana. All kinds of spells have to spend a lot of hard work after 27 times of cultivation. It often takes years and more than ten years to gain a power.
For example, Yin Xuexue’s cultivation is also the five major thunder methods of Qingcheng School, and one major virtual thunder method is not inherently weaker than the seven spiritual generations of Qingcheng. However, Wang Lingguan, Chu Yanling, and Gu Guiling have cultivated their own spells to the extremely high level of refining. The 45-storey boundary is extremely powerful, but Yin Xuexue has not even broken through the 36-storey boundary of the condensed evil spirit series, so he can’t help but take Chen Qi, the only refined gas, to induce the younger generation.
In other words, nowadays, besides competing with the master, the refined air man can fight for the heart of Tao. Whoever can practice magic to match the Tao in a shorter time and achieve a higher realm of Tao will be a master, and those who can’t will have to wait.
It’s not bad to say that Yin Xue is good, but if she loses her mind, Chen Qi dares not to take her seriously. This Lu Yaner is also not optimistic about her future, although she is talented and savvy.
Chen Qi is now a year of manifestation. Although it can be seen that she is very young but her appearance is vague, Lu Yaner didn’t look at it for a while, but the Tai Hao five-light wheel was very eye-catching. When she woke up, she recognized it and shouted, "Are you Chen Qi?" Yin Sexue saw that Chen Qi hurriedly took one of his daughters by the hand and said in a low voice, "Call Uncle Chen Qi!"
Chen Qi ha ha a smile cried, "Don’t be so polite, senior martial sister Yin Xue. My master is really not here, and I have other things that I can’t play along with." Chen Qi rode the Tai Hao Wuguanglun and was about to escape from Yuding Palace. When Yin Xue saw it, he hurriedly shouted, "Chen Qi’s younger martial sister also has something to ask you …"
Where does the little thief care about her? Tai Hao’s five-light wheel was urged to fly straight away. After pulling Lu Yaner, Chen Qi chased Tai Hao’s five-light wheel. Although it came to attack and defense, every function was slightly worse. Plus, he was not physically traveling, and his mana was much worse. He couldn’t shake off Yin Xue’s mother and daughter.
Chen Qifei saw for a while that it was impossible for her mother and daughter to be chased by such two women, and it was really indecent to be seen by others. Maybe there was some gossip. Chen Qifei said, "Now I am not traveling in dark snow, but the teacher elder sister can come to Wanyao Cave with my nephew Lu Yaner, and I will meet at the mouth of the cave."
Yin Xue smiled and turned to her daughter and said sadly, "You, the seventh martial uncle Chen, may have the opportunity to replace you in the future. If you can please this person, it may be somewhat possible." Lu Yaner said to her mother, "Even if you can’t worship Qingcheng Mountain, my swordsmanship is not bad. Even if you meet those demons, you can resist a mother’s need to beg for help." Look at how dismissive that little mother and daughter are of us … "
Chen Qi harnessed Tai Hao’s five-nimbus to fly in front of him. Suddenly, he heard two women whispering behind him and couldn’t help smiling. "It’s also that I’m too impatient with their mother and daughter. It’s not a pure appearance." Chen Qi also immediately changed his mind. The idea of recycling all the way until Tai Hao’s five-nimbus fell in front of Chen Qi was also taken back. Chen Qi just grew up and smiled and said, "Sister Yin Xue and nephew Lu Yaner invited me to sit in my cave. Chen Qi has a duty and won’t get up to meet him."
Yin Xuexue said with a smile, "It’s okay, it’s okay. Our mother and daughter came in a hurry to disturb Teacher Chen Qi."
Although Lu Yaner was indignant, he still gave a slight hand to the body from his mother’s life and did enough for the younger generation to look like Chen Qi. He smiled and threw out a coin and said, "The teacher elder sister brought Lu Yaner’s nephew to visit me. How can you not give me some gifts? This money is the fifth-class money. Although Sister Yin Xuexue can be concise herself, she always needs more hands and feet to protect herself, and it also has some merits. "
Lu Yaner was about to refuse, but she saw that her mother made a wink and smiled. She took the money and handed it to her. Although the realm of Yin Xuedao was enough, the realm of mana was not enough. It was really impossible to sacrifice a fifth-class money, even the fourth-class money. She also needed some effort, not to say that she could practice it.
Can a piece of money be as precious as a blow if it is refined into gas? Yin Xue won’t let her daughter refuse, but collect it for her daughter. Although Lu Yaner still looks like some waste gas, she is embarrassed to follow her mother into Chen Qi’s bridal chamber with a bulging posture when she is made by Chen Qi.
Chen Qi’s guarding of this cave is also quite wide. There is a dark hole behind it that leads to the depths of the Wan Yao Cave. The two demon soldiers are kept near this cave. Dark snow is quite natural and has found a place to take her daughter to sit. This just said to Chen Qi, "The teacher elder sister, this daughter is her father’s only bone and blood. I tried to introduce her to the door several times, but no one would accept her. This time, my brother was also sneaked into the sea of clouds and Qingcheng Mountain to avoid disaster, so I wanted to show it to several elders."
Chen Qi glanced at Lu Yaner’s heart and secretly shook his head. I thought, "This daughter is too arrogant, even though she has some qualifications, but she can’t pass to refine her mind. Is the Qingcheng Mountain Sect strict in accepting disciples? Even I didn’t go back to the apprentice until I got into the realm of Taoism. Now I don’t have a real name. Although Ma Shi looks confused, he was still a famous man in Dan, Wang Anshi, and his eyes are high. Needless to say, even I haven’t entered his eyes yet. It’s very difficult to introduce this girl. I don’t want to take this job at all! "
Chen Qi’s heart thought so, but he said, "I’ll talk to Ma Shiyi about this little thing because I can’t guarantee whether he can hand Lu Yaner’s nephew." I suddenly said, "Come here, I hope Yaner can worship Ma Bochang’s uncle, but I wanted to think, after all, whether Yaner is my daughter’s generational disagreement or joining Chen Qi’s younger brother is the best for Yaner …"
Chen Qi heard this sentence and almost jumped through the ceiling. He accepted four female disciples at the beginning, but there was no other purpose. However, after accepting four disciples, Chen Qi pointed out that he was doing his best and had no evil thoughts. As the Taoist mind honed, there were still some unclean thoughts that dissipated, so the little thief had no idea to accept another female disciple. It really embarrassed Chen Qi to send his daughter to the door like this.
"Do I now Tao has not been completed, such as being able to give directions to my disciples? The teacher elder sister is still waiting for my master to come back, and I’ll help Yaner’s nephew to introduce him. "Chen Qi still has to push off the dark snow, and her eyes are red, so she sobbed. Lu Yaner is a filial girl and immediately rushed to comfort her mother, Chen Qi, who looked at it, and she didn’t know how to settle the mother and daughter at the moment.
Chen Qi already knew something about Yin Yin Xue at this time. The original Yin Yin Xue was also the most outstanding female brother of Qingcheng School. First, at that time, the wrongdoer met with a beautiful genius. The water evil teacher said that the water evil teacher was chaotic and abandoned, but it was not that it was indifferent. After the achievement method, he got love and went deep into the bone marrow, and then he was deeply impressed by it. I can’t forget it for three generations … The torture on the other hand is hard to imagine.
However, the talented brother of Shuinieshi deserves to be forgetful. He finally refined his mind and succeeded in becoming forgetful. The only master then, Yin Yanxue, had almost betrayed his legacy and experienced several twists and turns. Finally, she had to come back to take refuge in his legacy. She had a daughter who took a daughter and had a lover and hated many other students. Although Qingcheng School is an authentic door, the residents in the sea of clouds and Qingcheng City have no mind. The younger generation has a dirty look at Yin Yanxue, but Yin Yanxue often has a lot of grievances when she thinks about that year and feels sad.
When she first met Chen Qi, her behavior was deliberately pretending that she had borrowed this mask to hide her heart. This time, she also took her daughter to ask for help, and people were willing to accept the dark snow. It was really unbearable that she burst into tears before Chen Qi.
Even if all kinds of love are forgotten, Chen Qi’s heart can’t help but sigh. I don’t know if I should violate my own mind and promise the mother and daughter.
Chapter three hundred and twenty A straw
"No matter whether I accept or not, it’s hard for her to be concise, then become a first-class person … at most, I can shelter her if I build up, but I’m still trapped at home now …"
Chen Qi, after all, is a Taoist mind honed, and the characters who have been in harmony soon threw away these distractions and made up their minds.
"for their mother and daughter, I just grabbed a straw when I was drowning. I have a hard time taking this glimmer of hope away? At this time, when it is broken, how much should it be considered? "
Thought of here, Chen Qi said, "Sister Yin Sexue, you need to know a few things for your daughter to worship my teacher. Now I am practicing Taoism, and I am afraid that my future achievements may not exceed yours. Even if your heart is willing, Teacher Lu Yaner’s nephew may have other ideas. You might as well ask her for advice before telling others. I dare not assure you that Brother Gu Guiling is familiar with me. I want to ask him for permission. Nine times out of ten, you must think about it."
Yin Se-xue also knows some things about Chen Qi, and has heard that there are some problems with Chen Qi’s Daoism, but she doesn’t know exactly when she sees Chen Qi’s openness and thinks for a long time. She can’t help but really hesitate. When Lu Yaner comes, she will be angry. Chen Qi can’t help but grab the topic and say, "Monks don’t talk nonsense. You said that Gu Gui Ling’s disciples will certainly accept me, but is it true?"
Yin Xuelai still held some hopes for Chen Qi’s indecision, but she was so firmly inserted by Lu Yaner. She also sighed at the bottom of her heart and asked, "Can Chen Qi’s younger brother really say Brother Gu Guiling?"
Chen Qi heard this sentence of Yin Xuexue, and his heart was slightly relaxed and said with a smile, "This statement is naturally true. My friendship with Brother Gu Guiling is unusual. He will certainly be able to sell me this face. You can go home for the time being. When Brother Gu Guiling comes back to the gate, I will immediately help your mother and daughter to intercede."
Yin Xuexue couldn’t help but want her daughter to think more about Lu Yaner, but she raised her little face when she didn’t see her mother’s eyes. Yin Xuexue could also say, "That’s about to please Chen Qi’s younger brother."
Chen Qi nodded and chatted with Yin Xue’s mother and daughter for a few words, then he made the intention of seeing Fujian. Yin Xue also knew that Chen Qi didn’t stay long here, so he took Lu Yaner to get up and leave when he left, or hinted for several times that his daughter Nai Lu Yaner had a deep understanding of Chen Qi-cheng and said nothing, and she didn’t want to enter his door. Yin Xue could finally leave dimly.
Chen Qi watched the two mothers and daughters leave with a gentle smile and said to himself, "Even this last straw is not wanted to be caught! Brother Gu Guiling … Brother Gu Guiling … Alas! " Chen Qi sighed for a long time. He didn’t say a word. "Gu Guiling even can’t come back to the gate of Qingcheng Mountain …"
No one in this world knows more about the present situation of Gu Gui Ling than Chen Qi. Gu Gui Ling, with the help of the spell power of King Kong and the disc-like instrument, went to practice outside the territory and swallowed up many foreign monty. Only then did he rush to the realm of then, and it was not impossible for Gu Gui Ling to make a breakthrough to the realm of Daoji if he wanted to, but there was always a threshold for him not to care about Gui Ling’s spiritual cultivation.
Gu Guiling has been busy with seven kinds of curses by Chen, regardless of how brilliant he can be in this life, but there is also a dead end. Gu Guiling must not escape that time, and he has long since stopped thinking that.
Chen Qi, or in the future, will have the opportunity to take care of the dark snow and Lu Yaner. At most, the two mothers and daughters will be able to hang a title, and even the chance to do so may not be there.
However, the result is that Yin Yanxue and Lu Yaner’s mother and daughter choose their own way. Chen Qi has given them several ways to choose who has a long life and which way to take. They have to choose others by themselves. They have to worry about it. When Yin Yanxue and Lu Yaner’s mother and daughter leave, Chen Qi still puts this matter behind, while practicing as much as possible to improve their mana, but on the other hand, they try their best to study the tricks of turning normal.
After a few months, Chen Qi, who was guarding the Wanyao Cave, gradually became familiar with the rules of the Wanyao Cave and made great efforts and responsibilities to do things more and more conveniently. However, on this day, when Chen Qi inspected the monthly wolf demon soldiers and colorful flying butterfly soldiers, he suddenly found that the two demon soldiers were missing hundreds of mouths each.
All these demon soldiers are the survival of the fittest and hidden in the Wan Yao Cave. Seventeen demon soldiers are like a country attacking and attacking each other from time to time to exercise their bravery. But suddenly, the loss of so many demon soldiers made Chen Qi feel quite unusual. He immediately went to find the rest of the senior brothers guarding Wan Yao Cave and got the news that some people were guarding the demon soldiers, but many of them were missing. At most, one demon soldier was damaged by more than 3 thousand, even though the demon soldier was a highly fertile herring soldier.
After consulting with the nine brothers guarding the Wanyao Cave, they cried and felt that this matter was serious, so they each restrained their own demon soldiers to temporarily stop the demon soldiers’ war and capture. However, after a few days, there were still some shemale soldiers who were inexplicably missing hundreds. At this time, the nine brothers guarding the Wanyao Cave were the whole Bai Wan demon cave. There was a change inside.
Supposedly, if something happens in the Wanyao Cave, you should report it to the Presbyterian Church at the first time. After all, the Yaobing in the Wanyao Cave is the root of the Qingcheng Sect, but at this time, the war between the Qingcheng Sect and the mysterious Sect has been in full swing. Chen Qi, after consulting with them, sent someone to inform the elders, but it coincided with the fact that the masters of the Qingcheng Sect were dispatched together, and the left-behind people could not be the masters.
At this time, it seems urgent. After deliberation, the nine guarding brothers decided to send two people to explore what happened in the Wanyao Cave. After some discussion, Chen Qi was actually elected as the first thief, and he was given a lot of glory. Secondly, Chen Qi knew a lot of spells in the Wanyao Cave, and many spells could not be arranged. Chen Qi was also a master of Buddhism and a little avatar. He was not surprised that he was selected.
After Chen Qi and the elder brother were ordered, they split up. Chen Qi sneaked into Wan Yao Cave from the place where he led the two nests of demon soldiers. The other elder brother chose another road. Although they wanted to explore what happened in Wan Yao Cave together, they were not together but split up and went their own ways.
Chen Qi hasn’t gone deep into Wan Yao Cave. At most, he is patrolling his own control. Two demon soldiers are not far from the mouth of the cave. The residence of Wolf demon soldiers and colorful flying butterfly soldiers has circled several times nearby to restrain these demon soldiers’ rules.
The instrument of Wanyao Cave enters one place from nine holes, which is very tortuous, straight and quiet, like a maze, but further down, it suddenly becomes one small cave dwelling place after another, and each small cave dwelling place has its own world. There are more than a thousand miles in Fiona Fang, and there are dozens of miles in it. The seventeen demon soldiers occupy these small caves respectively, each with their own sphere of influence.
The moon wolf demon soldiers occupied seven places in this small cave, but the colorful flying butterfly soldiers occupied five places. Although they are more in number, the individual strength assembly is weaker, but the moon wolf demon soldiers are resistant to fighting and fighting. The nine brothers are worried that these demon soldiers also have spies or traitors, so this time they sneaked into the Wanyao Cave quietly and alarmed many demon soldiers.