
### 药效:

1. **理气健脾**:陈皮片可以缓解脾胃气滞,改善食欲不振、消化不良等症状。
2. **燥湿化痰**:适用于湿痰、寒痰引起的咳嗽、痰多等症状。
3. **和中**:调和脾胃,缓解胃痛、胃胀等不适。


4. **行气止痛**:对于气滞引起的腹痛、胁痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。


### 应用:

1. **日常保健**:泡茶饮用,可以缓解消化不良、增进食欲。
2. **咳嗽痰多**:与杏仁、川贝母等药材配伍,用于治疗咳嗽、痰多。
3. **胃痛胃胀**:与生姜、香附等药材配伍,用于治疗胃痛、胃胀。
4. **湿阻中焦**:与茯苓、白术等药材配伍,用于治疗湿阻中焦引起的身体困重、食欲不振等。

### 注意事项:

1. 陈皮片性质温燥,阴虚火旺者慎用。


2. 孕妇及哺乳期妇女应在医生指导下使用。
3. 服用陈皮片期间,应避免食用辛辣、油腻食物。



1. **调节肠胃**:随便果被认为有助于改善肠胃功能,促进消化,缓解便秘。


2. **增强免疫力**:含有多种营养成分,可能有助于提高人体的免疫力。

3. **排毒养颜**:有说法认为随便果可以排出体内毒素,改善皮肤状况。

4. **减肥瘦身**:部分消费者表示,通过食用随便果,他们的体重有所减轻。

5. **改善睡眠**:随便果中的某些成分可能有助于改善睡眠质量。

6. **抗衰老**:含有抗氧化成分,可能有助于延缓衰老。


– **咨询医生**:在食用任何保健食品之前,最好咨询医生或专业营养师的意见,特别是对于有特殊健康状况的人群。

– **科学态度**:对于保健食品的效果,应保持科学态度,不要过分夸大其作用。

– **正规渠道购买**:购买随便果时,请选择正规渠道,以确保产品质量。



### 石斛的功效

1. **滋阴养血**:石斛能调节身体中的津液分泌,有助于滋阴养血,适用于阴虚体质的人群。
2. **益胃生津**:石斛具有养胃的作用,能够生津止渴,对消化系统有益。
3. **清热解毒**:石斛有清热解毒的效果,适用于治疗热病伤津、口干烦渴等症状。
4. **护肝利胆**:石斛对肝脏有一定的保护作用,有助于利胆。
5. **强筋健骨**:对于中老年人,石斛能滋养筋骨,有助于延缓关节老化。
6. **明目养颜**:石斛具有滋阴养目的功效,有助于改善视力,同时对皮肤有滋养作用。
7. **增强免疫力**:石斛中的多糖物质有助于增强人体免疫力。

### 食用指南

1. **鲜石斛**:
– **榨汁饮用**:新鲜石斛榨汁,可清热、降火、止渴。
– **煎汤内服**:取10-15克干石斛煎汤服用,可生津益胃、养阴清热。
– **熬汤**:与枸杞、银耳、冰糖等熬汤饮用,可补充营养,生津止咳。
– **煮粥**:与小米搭配煮粥,具有健脾和胃的作用。
– **泡茶**:与百合等搭配泡茶,可安神、滋阴清热。

2. **干石斛**:
– **煎汤**:取干石斛煎汤服用。
– **泡茶**:将干石斛洗净,切薄片或拍破成颗粒,用开水冲泡。

### 食用禁忌

1. **不宜食用的人群**:湿温病、脾胃虚寒、孕妇等人群不宜食用石斛。
2. **避免与辛辣食物同食**:食用石斛期间,应避免食用辛辣刺激性的食物。


3. **在医生指导下使用**:如有需要,应在医生指导下使用石斛。




1. **促进消化吸收**:植物酵素含有多种植物消化酶,可以帮助分解食物中的大分子物质,如蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物,促进食物的消化和营养的吸收。

2. **净化血液**:植物酵素能够维持血液的弱碱性,有助于排除血液中的废物和毒素,促进血液循环,提高血液质量。

3. **增强免疫力**:植物酵素中的多种微量元素和矿物质能够补充人体所需,增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

4. **促进新陈代谢**:植物酵素能催化各种生物化学反应,促进新陈代谢,分解老化坏死细胞,制造新细胞,维持身体代谢正常。

5. **美容养颜**:植物酵素中含有的抗氧化成分,如SOD抗氧化酶等,可以中和体内过多的自由基,从而有助于改善皮肤质地,延缓器官老化和变性。

6. **排毒养颜**:植物酵素具有分解和排除体内废物和毒素的作用,有助于净化体内环境,保持肠内健康。

7. **减肥瘦身**:植物酵素可以促进脂肪的分解,帮助减少体内脂肪堆积,对于减肥有一定的辅助作用。

8. **调节内分泌**:植物酵素能够调和细胞的新陈代谢和内分泌系统的机能,有助于内分泌平衡。

9. **预防疾病**:植物酵素具有抗菌消炎作用,能够预防病毒感染,降低血脂和胆固醇,预防动脉硬化等疾病。


10. **促进细胞再生**:植物酵素中含有抗菌素,可促进新细胞的再生和杀菌。




1. **平肝息风**:天麻具有平肝潜阳、熄风止痉的功效,可以治疗肝阳上亢引起的头痛、头晕等症。

2. **镇静镇痛**:天麻对于神经性头痛、高血压引起的头痛有很好的缓解作用,同时具有镇静安眠的效果,对神经衰弱、失眠有辅助治疗作用。


3. **抗惊厥**:天麻对于小儿惊风、癫痫病、破伤风等疾病有一定的疗效,对神经抽搐、肢体麻木等症状也有缓解作用。

4. **改善脑血管症状**:天麻鸡汤对于脑供血不足引起的头晕、偏瘫、肢体麻木,以及脑中风、脑血栓引起的头痛等症状有调养作用。

5. **滋阴补虚**:鸡肉具有滋阴补虚、促进食欲、强身健体的作用,适合各类人群食用。

6. **增强免疫力**:鸡肉含有丰富的蛋白质,能够增强体液免疫和上呼吸道黏膜的抵抗力,提高抵抗细菌的能力。

7. **预防心血管疾病**:天麻中的成分在血管中可以减少脑血管的阻力,增加脑血流,从而改善脑循环,有助于预防心血管疾病。

8. **调理内分泌**:鸡肉和天麻共同作用,能够调理内分泌,对于内分泌失调引起的各种症状有改善作用。

9. **促进健康**:天麻鸡汤适合经常从事脑力劳动者、体弱的老人以及生产后的妇女食用,有助于补益气血、滋阴化痰、强健脾胃。

10. **辅助治疗**:对于气血虚弱、头晕眼花、风湿性关节炎、神经衰弱等病症,天麻鸡汤也有一定的辅助治疗作用。


Kong Han, who was the closest to Su Mo, suffered the strongest impact. He felt tingling in his ears and qi and blood flowing backwards. He snorted and blacked out at the moment and almost fainted on the spot.

"I’m not a demon. Are you so slandering me?"
Sue ink slowly mouth light said
"I I … slander?"
Kong Han hasn’t recovered his teeth for a while. "What am I to slander you!"
"Kill them!"
Originally, he thought about bringing the mirror Xuanzong people to the dungeon and torturing them.
Now he’s killing a lot, thinking about killing all these people in front of him!
Mirror Xuanzong everyone was white and bloodless.
Liang Yu also looked desperate and bereaved.
In their eyes, the imperial army in the windy city is irresistible
"We are really not a magic coach. Please invite Kong to attend the inspection …"
Liang Yu is still lucky to try to defend himself.
In his opinion, if we can explain it clearly, there may be a glimmer of life.
But if you dare to shoot the imperial army, it’s really heinous and suspicious!
Around many fairy army to offer a magic weapon to condense avatar hermetic.
The forest falls lightly, and Emei sighs a little distressed in her heart.
She originally wanted to hide her identity as much as possible, but now if a fight breaks out, let alone hide her identity, neither of them will be able to leave here safely!
Here, after all, it is a windy city. Although there is no strong fairy king, there are many strong fairies in the city.
Just disturb one. She and Su Mo can’t resist it.
Just when the forest fell and hesitated, Su Mo’s war determination figure moved instantly to Kong Han’s front.
Kong Han just recovered from Long Yin and felt that the blue student had rushed to him near!
Kong Hangen didn’t expect to dare to start work after being surrounded by so many people.
He didn’t expect that anyone in this windy city would dare to shoot him!
When he came to say two words, he felt a huge impact on his chest and his armor creaked.
Then, in the eyes of the public, his figure was hit by Su Mo and turned into a black shadow, which crashed into the crowd and rolled out more than ten feet away.
Kong Han spit out one mouthful blood and his face was bloody.
Although there was armor to resist most of the impact, his body was still severely traumatized, and his blood and bones seemed to have fallen apart.
Kong Han fell into the crowd and crashed into a white passage.
At the end of this white passage, a bearded man stared blankly at the scene in front of him and didn’t react at the moment.
"Not good!"
When he realized that it was wrong, the blue flashed and Su Mo appeared strangely in front of him!
The bearded man reacted very quickly and wanted to break out of here.
However, the Soviet-Mexican offensive was faster, and the huge gods condensed and broke out in the occult sciences of the Yuan God. A thunder whip emerged and whipped the bearded man.
Bearded man stuffy hum 1.
He cultivated the realm as a ninth-order fairy.
Although he suffered from the impact of Yuan Shen’s occult arts, he also rallied against Yuan Shen’s occult arts and did not suffer serious trauma.
However, Yuan Shen’s occult confrontation caused his avatar to collapse and teleport to be interrupted, but he still stayed where he was.
And this bearded man has lost his last chance to leave.
Chapter two thousand four hundred and nineteen Broken
Even the ninth-order fairy can’t stop violet’s true strength in melee!
Su Mo’s whole person seems to be like a python directly wrapped around the beard man’s body and twisted with force!
The bearded man’s eyes were wide open and there was a scratching fracture.


### 鲍鱼的营养价值:

1. **高蛋白**:鲍鱼肉质细嫩,含有高达10%以上的蛋白质,是人体所需的优质蛋白来源。
2. **氨基酸**:鲍鱼含有丰富的8种人体必需氨基酸,有助于身体组织的修复和生长。
3. **矿物质**:鲍鱼含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、铁、碘和维生素A等,对人体健康极为有益。
4. **球蛋白**:鲍鱼富含球蛋白,这种蛋白质对于免疫系统的正常运作至关重要。
5. **鲍素**:鲍鱼肉中含有一种称为“鲍素”的成分,能够破坏癌细胞必需的代谢物质。
6. **胶原蛋白**:鲍鱼中冬季的胶原蛋白含量高达30%~50%,有助于抗氧化、预防关节炎、保护胃粘膜等。
7. **维生素**:鲍鱼含有多种维生素,尤其是维生素A,对保护皮肤健康、视力健康和免疫力提升都有重要作用。

### 鲍鱼的功效:

1. **增强免疫力**:鲍鱼中的营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。
2. **保护心血管**:鲍鱼中的矿物质和微量元素有助于降低血压和胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。
3. **补血养颜**:鲍鱼中的铁元素有助于补血,改善肤色。


4. **促进生长发育**:鲍鱼中的多种营养成分有助于儿童和青少年的生长发育。
5. **改善视力**:鲍鱼中的维生素A有助于改善视力,预防夜盲症等疾病。
6. **滋阴补肾**:鲍鱼具有滋阴补肾的作用,改善肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、性功能减退等症状。
7. **调经润燥**:鲍鱼有调经、润燥利肠之效,可用于治疗月经不调、大便秘结等疾患。
8. **双向调节血压**:鲍鱼能调整肾上腺分泌,具有双向性调节血压的作用。

### 注意事项:

– 适量食用,避免过量摄入。
– 注意个人体质,对于过敏体质者应谨慎食用。


– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女在食用鲍鱼前应咨询医生意见。


The shutter door was deformed, and it was difficult to pull her for a long time before she pulled off the ground a little.

She crawled through the crack in the shutter door on her stomach.
The wind inside is much smaller and warmer than outside.
It was dark in the room, there was a pry-open shutter door, and there was a faint light coming.
Mo Qingqing took out the candles and matches from her pocket. She lit the candles and held them up to search for what she could find. There were tables and chairs in the dining hall. Nothing. She went straight to the kitchen and cleaned it up. She estimated that the normal class of this restaurant might have been closed yesterday.
After she turned the tap to let out some dirty water, she stopped playing in the refrigerator. Because of the stop, everything in it has thawed, but it is still cool and has not deteriorated. Plus, many ingredients are really packaged and edible.
Mo Qingqing went to light the natural gas. She looked around and saw two gas stoves in the kitchen. She shook the gas tank first and felt that there was still gas in it. Mo Qingqing tried to light the fire and lit the gas stove smoothly.
She is itching badly. It is estimated that some plant species are sprouting. At this time, she is not in the mood to cook food. She wants to take a bath.
There is no water in the kitchen, even if there is a fire, she can’t boil hot water.
She remembered that restaurants always prepare drinks, and there is no running water, but there are drinks if you can get them.
She took a sip and cleaned it. Maybe she came to cook the meat to light an oversized pot and put it on a gas stove. She moved both candles to the table and ran quickly to the cashier. She moved the drinks department in the cashier’s counter to the kitchen and poured it into the cauldron.
Mineral water is rarely mostly plastic bottled drinks and beer. Mo Qingqing can’t mix and pour a large pot full of beer, coke, sprite and black tea mixture and heat it in the pot.
There is a locked hut next to the kitchen. Mo Qingqing’s dagger pries the lock, which contains a lot of materials and finds a lot of drinks. All kinds of liquor owners add up to 20 or 30 cases. She saw that there are still many 50 or 60-degree liquors among them.
Mo Qingqing doesn’t know if these wines can kill plants. At this time, she can try. She quickly took off her clothes and pants, and poured white wine bottle by bottle from the beginning in this small warehouse.
The white wine was so cold that she shivered all over, especially when the leg wound was just cold, followed by fire-like pain, and her body lost its temperature for a long time, and it was painful to warm up in the cold. Mo Qingqing closed her eyes and was stimulated to tears and nose.
She washed her hair with white wine and scrubbed her hands constantly. She wiped her eyes dry and squinted at the back of her hand, chest and legs. A thick layer of white floc was washed from her skin. The place was as red as scalded shrimp. She gently squeezed the scary skin and put a snack on it.
After taking a bath with a whole box of white wine, although her body was burning with pain, she finally didn’t itch so much. She heated up the mixture of drinks and drinks, took a hot bath, moved the remaining white wine into the kitchen, poured it into a big iron bucket, and took a bath with white wine.
Mo Qingqing kept sneezing in a white wine bath. She thought wryly, "I wonder if I will die of a plant infection or a cold?"
She is only ten years old and doesn’t want to die yet.
Chapter 1
Mo Qingqing’s body finally stopped itching and became a burning pain. She felt a little hot and trembled uncontrollably, alternating hot and cold, so cold and so cold. Liquor, she wanted to feel hot, must be her illusion, and her body was probably frozen. She didn’t dare to soak again, shaking and coming out of the barrel. She baked naked before lighting the gas stove, and she felt colder and colder as the alcohol volatilized.
She threw her clothes in the next warehouse, and I don’t know how many kinds of plants were stained with them. She picked up a pair of kitchen pliers and a bucket and went to the small warehouse to take off all her clothes, put them in the bucket, and then poured cooking oil into the kitchen and lit the fire.
Her dress caught fire in an iron drum and gave off an unpleasant pungent smell.
Mo Qingqing wanted to keep warm, but the smell was so bad that she could drag the iron drum outside to a ventilated place near the gate, covering her nose and mouth.
It’s windy outside. I don’t know how many plant species have been blown in from the shutter door
Mo Qingqing threw the big iron drum with burning clothes at the door and rushed back to the kitchen. She poured the oil in the kitchen into a big iron basin, threw the chef’s apron into the oil basin and soaked it, then lit it to make a fire. She didn’t think a pot of oil was warm enough, so she went to the warehouse and ran back and forth twice. Two barrels of oil ignited two pots of fire.
She squatted by the fire and baked for a while, waiting for her body to get a little hot. She soaked the dagger in white wine and dried it. She threw the mat into the oil pan and burned it, and then went to look for clothes to keep out the cold.
In addition to the kitchen apron, kitchen hat and rag, she can find only tablecloths and sofa chairs and pillows in the restaurant. At this time, she really dare not be choosy. She took out a hole from table linen, drilled her head through the hole and put it on several floors of her body. She went to the warehouse to find a packing rope and tied it around her waist to make a simple dress. After that, she wrapped a piece of table linen as a cloak and squatted in front of the fire to warm herself.
She caught a cold and her nose kept running.
Mo Qingqing can also wipe off his nose in table linen. Who cares if he is dirty or not?
She felt a little top-heavy, and touching her forehead was horribly hot.
Mo Qingqing put away all the tablecloths and pillows she could find, pushed the dining table on the most side of the hall, put two sofa chairs together, and then spread table linen on the sofa cushion with a soft pillow. She ran to the warehouse and moved a box of black tea out, trying to find the eggs. First, the black tea washed the egg shell, then poured it into the pot and boiled some eggs. She thought about it, and now she had a bad cold. Drink more water, so she fished out the eggs and broke them, boiled them into black tea, and added some salt to the plumeria.
The pot is not big, the gas stove fires quickly, and it is cooked quickly.
Mo Qingqing huddled in the kitchen with a runny nose, holding hot black tea and water plumeria in her hands. She felt lucky and sad to have a bowl of hot food at this time. She didn’t know if this was her last meal.
It would be sad if she could drink this sweet and salty egg paste for her last meal.
Mo Qingqing cooked a pot of meat with black tea and some quick-frozen dumplings.
After eating and drinking enough, she moved the brazier in the kitchen to the side of the sofa chair she had assembled. She climbed onto the sofa chair and covered the rest of the pillow, then covered all the table linen she received on the back of the pillow.
There should be cotton in the pillow to keep it warm. table linen is waterproof and windproof. Ten or twenty pieces of table linen are laid on the pillow layer by layer, which can play a role in keeping warm and cold.

"This Sumo is really destined to have two brothers with titles to help!"

"Nothing. These two talents have just entered the virtual realm. Although they are also named brothers, they have not condensed their minds. They are not rivals such as Taoist Tiangang!"
"At most, the ending will not change even if it is delayed for a moment."
Some monks have high vision and clear analysis.
Chapter one thousand nine Yuan Shen was injured
Su Mo slowly straightened his body and rekindled the war in his eyes!
At this time, even if let Ji goblin and Zhen leave them, they will never leave.
Now there is a way to break the game.
Get out!
Feeling the fighting spirit of Su Mo, the Taoist priest smiled leisurely and said, "It’s interesting that I haven’t given up yet."
"Leave this little novice monk to me."
The monk said simply, "I happened to talk about Buddhism."
Road flyover Dungeon said coldly, "Ji goblin, I’ll solve the problem. You three will kill Sumo Town as soon as possible. Don’t forget to give me a share of the treasure."
Ji goblin has a long sword in his hand.
A blue light suddenly flew out of the eyebrows.
The blue lamp is burning with a tiny flame, and the size of the little finger tip seems to be extinguished at any time!
Seeing this blue lamp, a trace of fear passed through the depths of the monk’s eyes.
The monk beat the wooden fish first.
Really look the same, spit Sanskrit
He also practiced the Dazhen Sutra at the bottom of the buried dragon valley, and this wooden fish had a very low influence on him!
"photograph and print!"
The monk’s hands were pinched, and a huge dharma seal broke out and fell towards the truth.
Su Mo once saw the monks returning to the virtual realm in Xiangsi release this dharma seal, but its power was different from that of Xiangsi!
I really don’t fear holding a blue lantern and squeezing it, and I will definitely spit out a sigh of relief toward the blue lantern flame.
The flame of the blue lantern is burning towards the photograph and seal, and it will soon be empty!
Although it’s really the initial stage of returning to the virtual realm, the monk has never fallen in the wind!
On the other side, Ji’s goblins and road flyover Dungeon have also met.
Dungeons and Taoist priests are more powerful
However, the fairy Ji learned the monty dance steps from Linglong Fairy in Ren Huang Temple, and the Taoist can’t hurt her!
At the beginning, in Vientiane City, even the Luo Cha people felt big trouble with the monty dance steps.
I’m afraid it’s hard to tell the outcome of the duel between the two magic doors.
Su Mo will face Taoist fenglei and Taoist Tiangang alone, and there is also a Taoist hiding in the dark to assassinate him!

"High-pitched …!"

Several shots flashed up the corridor to the two of them.
The strong light is abrupt and extinguished. Brother Owl, step out of the corner and let the hostages stand in front of him and prepare to change the shooting position.
"Move you in a try? !” Simao is also a vicious character. He holds the gun in his right hand, turns around and pulls the trigger decisively.
Shots fired!
Rhubarb let out a scream and was shot in the right calf, kneeling on the spot.
"Talk about it? !” Four hairs cried and asked
At the door of an office, Brother Owl hid in the groove of the door and listened to the howl of rhubarb for a short pause. Then he still did what he should do, without any influence or reply.
There was a noise on the intercom, followed by four fingers hitting the sound.
Brother Owl immediately raised his strong light again when he heard this and gave it a push.
The corridor lights up again.
As soon as the bolt is pressed, the beard will appear, and the gun at the door of the stairs will hug the fire.
After two shots were fired, the beard looked up and shouted "Fight back!"
"I fuck you! If I don’t fight back, you really take me as a dry job! " Rhubarb suddenly burst into the right shoulder and directly hit the messenger next to it.
Chapter III Chapter II Fierce Five-Person Mission
Rhubarb slammed his messenger’s voice and shouted, "Fuck you!"
Brother Owl immediately dropped his hand after smelling it and made the corridor dark again.
At the stairs, the figure was extremely strong, and Hu’s shoulder leaned against the door frame, and his right hand held a gun, and his left hand threw something along the corridor.
There was a sound on the ground, but at the moment, there was a room in the Ministry, and the light was too dim. They couldn’t see clearly what was thrown at them. Everyone immediately shouted, "Hide from the thunder!"
Shouted the crowd instantaneous panic scattered to the left and right sides.
Just then, I was caught with rhubarb, and the two brothers also violently attacked and dragged their boys to tear up in the corridor.
Brother Xiao bowed his head and shot himself twice. After his right leg was punctured, he immediately stepped forward.
The lights are back, the beard is holding a strong light in his left hand and a gun in his right hand, knocking down two rhubarb and others and tearing at the messenger. Later generations have come to the middle of the corridor.
After receiving Hu’s support, rhubarb limped back and shouted "gun"
Owl elder brother Wen threw the gun in his hand out, followed by pulling clothes and pulling out the folding small punch.
Five people meet in the corridor and immediately shoot at the inside corridor with guns.
Brother Xiao asked in a low voice at the corner of the stairs, "What can I do for you?"
"No … it’s okay. I got shot in the leg." Rhubarb shook his head.
"Is there a chance? No chance to withdraw "owl elder brother ask again.
Rhubarb hesitated briefly for a long time. "This welfare home is a place to hang sheep’s heads and sell dog meat. There is a fake staircase in it to get women to serve leaders. We still have a chance to go in."
"Many of them don’t know if they can hold it down," Whiskers replied in a low voice. "Playing may be risky."
After a short pause of two seconds, Brother Owl immediately responded, "When the gun rang across the street, I was shocked. It’s not an old character to listen to rhubarb and suppress three people from entering the fake stairs."
"I’ll suppress it."
The core members of Xiao Ge’s team have always been very few. Sometimes there are seven people, and sometimes there are four or five, but this does not mean that he can’t find new members to work together. Instead, this team requires high quality of personnel, not only to cultivate tacit understanding, but also to have high execution and subordinate ability.
Brother Xiao said that if he wanted to hit several other people, he wouldn’t talk much, and he was the first to shoot forward with a gun to suppress it.
"This way" rhubarb limped and bent against the wall and touched the stairs.
"da da!"